The Galena Ridge occurrence is located approximately 2.5 kilometres due south of Goldway Peak.
The area is underlain by Upper Triassic Takla Group volcanics. These volcanics are bounded to the east by the north-trending Dortatelle fault and to the west by the Ingenika fault. Locally, the area is underlain by andesitic volcaniclastics, predominantly crystal and lapilli tuffs, interlayered with minor andesite flows. Minor feldspar porphyry dikes intrude the volcaniclastics. The general stratigraphic trend is north-south but this is complicated by intense polyphase deformation. The regional metamorphic grade is greenschist facies, locally overprinted by biotite grade thermal metamorphism.
Mineralization consists of a quartz vein containing 10 per cent pyrite, 5 per cent galena and minor chalcopyrite. The vein is approximately 30 centimetres thick and cuts the volcaniclastics.
In 1985, a sample of galena-rich quartz vein assayed 4 grams per tonne gold, 170.6 grams per tonne silver, 1.33 per cent lead, 0.17 per cent zinc and 0.033 per cent copper (Assessment Report 13697).
In 1985, BP Resources completed a program of geological mapping and rock, silt and soil sampling on the area as the Goldway claims. A total of 41 stream sediments, 82 talus fines, 388 soils and 141 rock chip samples were collected. In 1994 and 1995, Hemlo Gold Mines completed programs of rock and soil sampling, geological mapping and a ground magnetic survey on the area as the Dort 1-4 claims. In 1996, Catalyst Ventures, on the behalf of Battle Mountain Gold, completed a program of geological mapping and rock sampling. In 2012, and 2013, J.B. Kreft prospected the area.
Refer to Johan (094D 137), Goldway (094D 027 and Bruce (094D 013) for geologic and work history details.