The Carruthers Creek occurrence is located near Carruthers Creek, approximately 7.5 kilometres upstream from its confluence with the Omineca River (Property File - Canadian Superior Exploration Ltd., Maps from Company Files, c. 1973).
The occurrence is hosted in a Late Paleozoic to Triassic Alpine-type ultramafic body composed of serpentinite, serpentinized peridotite and greenstone. These host ultramafic bodies are found along a thrust fault which bounds Permian to Jurassic greenstone and greenschist of the Sitlika assemblage on the west and Pennsylvanian to Jurassic greenstone and greensschist of the Cache Creek Complex on the east. Chromite mineralization occurs as discrete grains, up to 13 millimetres in diameter, within the ultramafic intrusion (Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 251).