The Independence showing is located approximately 9 kilometres south-southeast of Johanson Lake (Assessment Report 13580). This vein system is similar to other nearby vein systems such as the KC (094D 140) and the Bruce (094D 013). For the general regional geology, refer to these occurrences.
Locally, the area is underlain by andesitic tuffs, minor intercalated greywackes and calcareous argillites, and hornblende or feldspar porphyry flows of the Upper Triassic Takla Group. These are intruded by hornblende diorite, dioritic feldspar porphyry dikes and biotite hornblende monzonite porphyry phases of the Early Cretaceous Kliyul Creek body. Emplacement of the intrusive rocks appears to be controlled by a southeast trending splay off the Dortatelle fault (Assessment Report 13580). Alteration zones are formed where faults cut the andesitic rocks. The alteration minerals include quartz, sericite, chlorite, carbonate and pyrite.
The Independence vein, exposed for over 305 metres, ranges from rusty quartz with no visible sulphides to a zone, 1.2 to 3 metres wide, of quartz veins and intensely silicified rock (Assessment Report 13580). This system, hosted in andesitic tuffs, strikes northwest and dips 70 degrees to the southwest. A grab sample of rubble from an old trench assayed 94.97 grams per tonne gold and 91.20 grams per tonne silver (Property File - Ritz Resources Ltd., 1987).
Nearby shear and fracture zones, hosting quartz veins, contain disseminated galena and chalcopyrite (Assessment Report 13580).
The Bap group of claims was held by BP Minerals Limited in the early to mid 1970s. In 1974, 1975 and 1976, BP Minerals carried out extensive surface sampling and an IP Geophysical Survey noting widespread less than 3 centimetre wide quartz-sulfide veining in an epidote-altered monzonite. Sampling returned anomalous copper and molybdenum values. In 1975 three trenches were blasted on the BAP and their soil grid was extended, but results were not notable. In 1976, 7 lines of EM geophysics over their sample grid, identified 6 northwesterly-trending zones of weak conductivity that were interpreted as either shear zones or water-filled strongly fractured zones (Assessment Report 5976).
BP subsequently allowed all but three of their BAP claims to lapse and the lapsed claims were re-staked in 1981 as the KC claims by Golden Rule Resources, who also carried out work on the southeastern corner of the Kliyul property. Golden Rule discovered several 0.3 to 2.0 metre wide, northwesterly-striking quartz-pyrite-chalcopyrite- galena veins with 2.3 to 36.4 grams per tonne gold and 2.6 to 150 grams tonne silver located within 200 metres of the Kliyul property’s southern border. They also relocated the Independence vein and re-sampled it in three trenches over a strike-length of greater than 300 metres, with maximum values of 0.46 gram per tonne and 1.35 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 10346). To maintain their three BAP claims, BP reanalyzed their 1974/1975 soil and talus fine samples for gold; the majority of these samples exceeded 70 parts per billion gold, to a maximum of 1750 parts per billion gold (Assessment Report 10950).
In 1984, Golden Rule Resources, explored the potential of gold-bearing quartz veins on their KC claims which included Independence (094D 028) and Banjo (Bap) (094D 029). They reported an extensive 70 degree striking, variably silicified, fracture zone hosting 0.2 to 1.3 metre wide quartz veins in regions of intense fracturing and silicification. Cross-fracturing in the quartz veins were described as mineralized with up to 30 per cent pyrite and lesser galena, chalcopyrite and sphalerite; float samples assayed up to 122 grams per tonne gold and 70 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 13580)
In 1986, Ritz Resources optioned the KC claims which included Independence (094D 028) and Banjo (Bap) (094D 029). They completed geochemical and geophysical surveys over two small grids in the northwestern corner of the property investigating the gold potential (Assessment Report 15583).
In 1986, Lemming Resources optioned the remaining BAP claims from BP Resources and collected 90 grid-based talus fine samples on the Bap Ridge area to refine location of gold anomalies previously reported.
In 1992 Noranda carried out 1:5,000 scale geological and alteration mapping and in 1993, they drilled 6 reverse circulation holes on the Kliyul skarn zone (Assessment Report 23033) and followed up with an airborne magnetic, electromagnetic, and radiometric survey (Assessment Report 23379). This airborne survey also nearly covered 25 MINFILE occurrences including Independence (094D 028) and Banjo (BAP) (094D 029).
In 1994, Noranda/Hemlo Gold optioned the KC claims and completed a soil and rock sampling program and ground magnetics. They defined a 100 to 750 metre wide soil anomaly with greater than 100 parts per billion gold that extended northwesterly for at least 1.6 kilometres onto the KLI claims, remaining open to the northwest. The ground magnetics (8.6 line-kilometres) showed distinct NW-SE and N-S magnetic breaks correlating with mapped structural elements such as bedding, foliation, fracturing and shearing (Assessment Report 23680).
Refer to Kliyul (094D 023) for related geological and work history information.