The Bloom Cirque Skarns occurrence is located on the ridge east of Bloom cirque approximately 110 kilometres northwest of the community of Germansen Landing.
Assessment Report 21521 (volume 1, page 24) reports "four occurrences of magnetite skarn....along the margins of Bloom cirque. Very minor chalcopyrite with malachite and azurite occur locally within epidote (diopside-garnet) skarn which borders a magnetite skarn bed on the east side of the cirque. The skarn zone strikes roughly east, dips north at 8 degrees and has a minimum thickness of 4 metres". The mineralization is reported to be sparse and erratic.
The hostrocks are altered calcsilicate horizons within the Upper Triassic Takla Group (Plughat Mountain Formation) which consists of andesite flows and breccias, basalt, tuff, agglomerate, shale, conglomerate, and limestone (Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 274). Hornblende diorite and quartz diorite, related to a Jurassic or older intrusion of the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic Aiken Lake Intrusive Complex, outcrops approximately 100 metres west of the occurrence.
Between 2007-08, Serengeti Resources Inc. carried out heliborne magnetic and radiometric surveying over the Croy Bloom and Kem properties totalling 2322 line-kilometres.