The CJ area is underlain by Upper Triassic volcanics rocks of the Takla Group and intrusive rocks including massive to foliated, augite porphyritic andesite, monzonite, diorite and gabbro.
Drilling in 2007 intersected mafic coherent and fragmental volcanics including augite±plagioclase±hornblende porphyritic andesite, andesite lapilli and crystal tuff, and coeval intrusive rocks, diorite/quartz diorite, monzonite and gabbro. Rocks are variably altered, specifically propylitized, potassically altered and silicified. Propylitization is dominated by chlorite-epidote-carbonate (calcite) ±albite-pyrite, as pervasive and fracture-controlled replacement. Potassic alteration is observed as secondary K-feldspar veining and biotite replacing mafic phenocrysts and matrix. Silicification is both, as pervasive replacement and discrete quartz veins/stringers often with associated sulfides including pyrite and lesser pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and molybdenite.
Work History
In 1991, Geological Survey of Canada conducted a high resolution gamma ray spectrometric survey over the Mt. Milligan area. The survey identified number of potassic anomalies over known prospects (Mt. Milligan, Wit and Chuchi) and several new areas, including the K6 anomaly, on the CJ property.
In 1991, BGM Diversified Energy Inc carried out an exploration program consisting of geological mapping, soil sampling, and airborne magnetic-VLF surveys on the Gold Power property (G.P. claims)during 1991 (Assessment Report 22011). Some of the Gold Power property covered the southern part of the later CJ property. Mineralization was reported to consist of disseminated and fracture filled pyrite (up to 5%) and minor chalcopyrite in porphyritic greenstone (metavolcanic skarn) which has been intruded by a sericite and propylitic altered gabbro. The highest copper result from a rock sample was 1131 ppm (0.1%)and was taken in the area of 1996 drillhole CJ96-6.
The CJ property was re-staked by David Forshaw, local prospector, and optioned to Pacific Mariner Exploration Ltd (later renamed to Abitibi Mining Corp), in 1994. That year wide-spaced soil sampling was completed over the geophysical anomaly and additional ground was staked to cover southern part of the potassic anomaly that also included BGM copper soil anomaly. Three diamond drill holes were completed targeting the potassic anomaly. Pacific mariner also collected 152 soil samples for analysis in 1994 (Assessment Report 23453) and 40 in 1995(Assessment Report 24096).
Drilling intercepted propylitic-altered and silicified diorite, mafic schist and mafic volcanics with disseminate pyrite and pyrrhotite. Drilling highlights included values of 1.18 grams per tonne gold over 1.86 metres (30.44 to 32.30 metres down hole) and 0.19 gram per tonne gold over 36.1 metres (76.80 to 134.50 metres down hole), including 1.79 grams per tonne gold and 0.11 per cent copper over 1.00 metre in hole CJ94-1 (Assessment Report 23970). This hole is located approximately 1 kilometre north-northeast of the later 1996 drillhole CJ96-4.
In 1996, Abitibi Mining had 20 km of grid lines cut for an IP survey. The survey returned several moderate to strong chargeability anomalies in various part of the property. In addition, 292 soil samples were collected on two separate grids. Three NQ holes (totaling 442.3 metres) were drilled targeting high IP chargeability coincident with soil-copper anomalies (Assessment Report 24968). CJ96-4 yielded the best results of the program including 22.5 meters of 0.072 per cent copper and 0.13 gram per tonne gold and 52.5 meters of 0.045 per cent copper which contained a higher grade zone of 23 meters of 0.071 per cent copper and 0.11 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 24968). These grades are hosted in a mix of mafic volcanics, diorite and gabbro and are associated with carbonate and/or quartz veining and alteration with up to 10 per cent pyrite, <1 per cent chalcopyrite and minor pyrrhotite. Drillhole CJ96-5, located 50 metres north of hole CJ96-4, yielded 0.041 per cent copper and 0.70 gram per tonne gold over 24 metres, whereas drillhole CJ96-6, located approximately 1 kilometre east-northeast of hole CJ96-4, yielded 0.13 gram per tonne gold and 0.12 per cent copper over 4.0 metres (Assessment Report 24968).
Owner Dave Forshaw conducted soil sampling in 2002 and 2004, collecting a total of 22 samples (Assessment Reports 26960 and 27261).
In 2005 Happy Creek Minerals (Assessment Report 28023) reviewed 1994 and 1996 drilling and infill core sampling was undertaken. DDH CJ96-4 assayed 122.9 m containing 0.06 gram per tonne gold and 0.05 per cent copper, including 22.5 m of 0.13 gram per tonne gold and 0.07 per cent copper. DDH CJ96- 5 assayed 0.15 gram per tonne gold and 0.03 per cent copper over 125.8 m.
Terrane Metals Corp optioned the property from owner Dave Forshaw and in 2007 completed 3 HQ diamond-drill holes totaling 768.4 metres (Assessment Report 29427). These holes were located approximately 200 to 300 metres east-southeast of the 1996 drillhole CJ96-4. The purpose was to test a series of coincident magnetic and IP chargeability anomalies for alkalic copper-gold porphyry style mineralization. Intervals of anomalously high gold, silver and copper were intersected in several holes. The best mineralization included 68 metres (192-260 metres) of 0.033 gram per tonne gold and 0.047 per cent copper in propylitized and potassically altered andesite/gabbro and andesite tuff (CJ07-02) and 42 meters (102-144m) of 0.080 gram per tonne gold, 0.41 gram per tonne silver and 0.05 per cent copper in propylitized, silicified and potassically altered andesite tuff at the contact with similarly altered diorite/quartz diorite (CJ07-03).