The National Ex property is located 6 kilometres north of Hazelton on the west side of Mount Glen. It adjoins the Silver Standard mine (093M 049) which is located to the east.
The property is underlain by clastic sedimentary rocks (tuffaceous sandstone, greywacke and argillite) of the Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Bowser Lake Group, which is intruded by granodiorite of the Eocene Babine Intrusions.
Three northwest striking veins which dip 60 to 70 degrees southwest have been reported on the property. The veins are spaced 20 to 30 metres apart and carry quartz, carbonate, pyrite and sparse galena, sphalerite and chalcopyrite. A 25-centimetre wide sample assayed 223.2 grams per tonne silver, 1.75 per cent lead, 1.06 per cent zinc and 0.66 per cent copper (Assessment Report 8906).