The Dome South occurrence area is centred approximately 45 kilometres east of the town of Smithers and is about 7 kilometres southeast of the former producing Dome Mountain gold mine (093L 276) .
The area of interest is underlain by the Upper Cretaceous Kasalka Group consisting mainly of andesite or dacite breccia, tuff and/or flow, rhyolite, volcanic conglomerate and minor sedimentary rocks.
The showing was found within a dirty black limestone unit and was an azurite-rich sample of siliceous rock; it included high grade copper-silver ore. Hand trenching in the area of the showing exposed a barite-rich, siliceous sequence of volcanic sediments, some areas displaying disseminated chalcopyrite. The altered limestone is cut by numerous stringers of quartz-sulphides. Chip samples collected in 2007 graded up to 83.9 parts per million silver and 0.96 per cent copper over one metre (Press Release - Golden Odyssey Mining Inc., August 11, 2009). In November of 2008, Golden Odyssey Mining Inc. optioned the Dome South property. They conducted an assessment of the mineralization and reported that the zone is subvertical and strikes approximately 010 degrees. The zone is marked by malachite and azurite and the quartz stringers contain less than one per cent traces of tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, and pyrite (Press Release - Golden Odyssey Mining Inc., August 11, 2009).
In 2009, drillholes DS09-01 and DS09-04 through DS09-08 intersected the Peggy structure over a strike length of approximately 50 metres. The structure strikes to the north and dips steeply eastward. Each drillhole intersected mineralization, consisting of quartz stringers containing traces to less than 1 per cent tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena and pyrite, hosted primarily in silicified limy sediments. Assay results confirmed only low concentrations of silver and base metals. Geological logging of the core in 2009 and the subsequent interpretation of the results characterizes the Peggy showing as a narrow quartz vein-stockwork zone.
Trenching and surface channel sampling of the Peggy structure yielded results up to 73.9 grams per tonne silver and 0.72 per cent copper over 2.27 metres and traced the zone for more than 125 metres along strike (Assessment Report 31457).
In 2007, a modest prospecting, hand trenching and soil sampling program on a limited area of the Dome South property was conducted by Christopher James Gold Corp. Prospecting discovered the Peggy showing which was further explored by hand trenching. The showing is comprised of disseminated to fracture controlled chalcopyrite, bornite, chalcocite, sphalerite and galena in a sequence of siliceous clastic sediments and brecciated to locally silicified black limestone. Quartz and barite are common gangue minerals. A total of 282 soil samples were collected over a 0.8 by 2.5 kilometre area and identified two linear copper-barium anomalies, one of which coincided with the Peggy showing.
In 2008, 14 line kilometres of 3D Induced Polarization (3D IP) and 14.6 line kilometres of magnetometer survey were completed by SJ Geophysics on behalf of Guardsmen Resources Inc. over an area that encompassed the Peggy showing. This work outlined three interesting chargeability high zones, numerous northerly trending linear magnetic high features and a half-circular magnetic high feature (Assessment Report 30673).
In 2009, operator Golden Odyssey Mining drilled 1097.0 metres in nine diamond-drill holes. The primary intent of the 2009 diamond drilling program at Dome South property was to evaluate two widely spaced geophysical anomalies that had been identified by a 2008 3D Induced Polarization (3D IP) and ground magnetic survey, and to test the third dimension of the Peggy structure. A total of 150 soil samples were collected to extend coverage of the 2007 soil grid so that it coincided more closely with the geophysical surveys completed in 2008. Limited trenching and infill soil geochemical sampling were also completed. A modest number of channel samples were collected from two short roadside trenches near the Peggy showing, and re-sampling of the 2007 hand-dug Peggy ‘T-trench’ was also completed (Press Release - Golden Odyssey Mining Inc., December 22, 2009).