The host rocks are tuffs of the Lower Jurassic Telkwa Formation (Hazelton Group) which have been strongly foliated and subsequently folded. The vein is up to 20 centimetres wide and lies conformable to the foliation (it has also been folded); shattered pyrite and chalcopyrite are abundant. Grab samples in 1987 ran 16.1 grams per tonne gold.
______________________________________________________________________ TABLE 12 - RAVEN VEIN ANALYSES (all values in p.p.m.) Au Ag Cu Pb Zn Co Ni Mo Cd Hg As Sb Ba124 2.0 28 4000 84 265 25 14 22 <1 0.1 88 5 170124A 69.0 235 29200 540 136 9 10 8 4 0.2 420 5 <10124B 33.6 72 18300 284 83 12 12 18 1 0.1 148 5 44124 Quartz vein, Raven vein dump; 124A Quartz vein, Raven vein dump;124B Quartz vein, Raven vein dump.________________________________________________________________________
(all values in p.p.m.)
Au Ag Cu Pb Zn Co Ni Mo Cd Hg As Sb Ba
124 2.0 28 4000 84 265 25 14 22 <1 0.1 88 5 170
124A 69.0 235 29200 540 136 9 10 8 4 0.2 420 5 <10
124B 33.6 72 18300 284 83 12 12 18 1 0.1 148 5 44
124 Quartz vein, Raven vein dump; 124A Quartz vein, Raven vein dump;
124B Quartz vein, Raven vein dump.
Work History
In 2000, Guardsman Resource sampled at least 13 vein showing/zones including the Gem. In 2006, operator Christopher James Gold Corporation collected 68 rock samples in total from 12 different zones including Gem (093L 285), Raven (093L 281), Ptarmigan (093L 283), Jane and Chisholm (093L 279), Hawk (093L 282), Cabin (093L 275), Hoopes (093L 280), Free-Gold (093L 023), Marjorie (undocumented) and South (undocumented). In 2000, the northwest trending quartz-sulphide Raven vein yielded in excess of 100 grams per tonne gold along with associated high silver, bismuth, copper and iron (Assessment Report 26532).
Refer to Dome Mountain (Boulder vein) (093L 276) for related details and a complete Dome Mountain property work history.