A 120 centimetre wide, steeply northeast dipping quartz vein is exposed in a bed of Camp Creek, hosted in the foliated and altered tuffs of the Lower Jurassic Telkwa Formation (Hazelton Group). The surface exposure is oxidized and there is 10 centimetres of gouge bordering the vein walls. Mineralization consists of coarse-grained pyrite in the vein. The wallrocks contain an anomalous concentration of barium. "Fair" gold values are reported (Annual Report 1923).
___________________________________________________________________ FIELDWORK 1986, pp. 201-222 TABLE 13 - CHANCE VEIN ANALYSES (all values in p.p.m.) Au Ag Cu Pb Zn Co Ni Mo Cd Hg As Sb Ba ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- --- --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----35 2.7 <10 1500 58 590 6 16 <4 10 2.4 96 298 28235A <0.3 <10 60 24 110 15 10 <4 <1 0.1 14 <5 196235 Quartz vein, Chance vein; 35A Altered volcanic, Chance vein.___________________________________________________________________
FIELDWORK 1986, pp. 201-222
(all values in p.p.m.)
Au Ag Cu Pb Zn Co Ni Mo Cd Hg As Sb Ba
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- --- --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
35 2.7 <10 1500 58 590 6 16 <4 10 2.4 96 298 282
35A <0.3 <10 60 24 110 15 10 <4 <1 0.1 14 <5 1962
35 Quartz vein, Chance vein; 35A Altered volcanic, Chance vein.
In 2013, Metal Mountain Resources Inc., wholly owned subsidiary Gavin Mines Inc, conducted a soil sampling program over the Chance (093L 278) and Free Gold (093L 023) occurrences and the area between, resulted in the collection of 745 samples (Assessment Report 33666).
Refer to Free Gold (093L 023) and Dome Mountain (Boulder) (093L 276).