The Box area is underlain by volcanic rocks of the Early to Middle Jurassic Saddle Hill Formation, Hazelton Group. The Box occurrence consists of two quartz veins in andesitic feldspar porphyry-breccia. Pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena and tetrahedrite occur in the quartz veins, which range from 0.3 to 1.2 metres wide, and strike northwest with a steep dip to the northeast. A sample from a seam of galena, approximately 10 centimetres wide, assayed 2.06 grams per tonne gold, 2811.4 grams per tonne silver and 48 per cent lead (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1927, page 148).
Work History
The principal old workings in the area, Silver Cup (093L 016) and the Golden Eagle (093L 015), were developed in the 1930’s. The old workings consist of shafts, adit, trenches and pits that exposed some of the high grade silver showing in the area. Since the 1930’s various companies have carried out further exploration work in the general area attempting to define a resource sufficient to support a commercial operation. These include a major program by Bishop Resources from the early to late 1980s (Assessment Reports 10656 and 16193), with some minor programs carried out by some of the adjacent property holders. In 1981, Bishop Resources Development Ltd. formed the Topley property by optioning the Silver Cup (093L 016), Golden Eagle (093L 015), and Tuya (093L 017) mineral claims, and staking additional ground. Bishop conducted exploration work every year since 1981 (to at least 1987), mostly on the north end of the property. This work consisted of geological mapping, line-cutting, geochemical surveying, geophysical surveying, and diamond drilling. Diamond drilling has been carried out over several thousand meters over an area of approximately 2 kilometers by 2 kilometers.
From 2009 to 2013, P. Walker held the Silver Queen property consisting of claims: Silver Queen, Shadow, Shadow 2-5, Richfield, SQ, Rich, Rich North, Richer and Rich West. IN 2013, High Range Exploration Ltd, Alan Raven with the assistance the property owners, carried out a multi-phase orientation program consisting of; prospecting to determine the extent of the bedrock exposure in the northwest portion of the claims and to determine the frequency of the bedrock exposures in the southern portion of the claims, establishment of a preliminary control grid for mapping, geophysical and geochemical surveys. An initial self-potential survey over 3.7 kilometres was conducted.