The Apex 18 area is largely underlain by Lower Jurassic Telkwa Formation volcanic rocks (Hazelton Group) comprised mainly of massive maroon to green andesite, andesitic flows and breccias with a lesser amount of massive, light coloured rhyolite. Locally, there is a black to green, vesicular basalt flow with calcite-quartz-epidote amygdules as well as interbedded siliceous argillite and agglomerate. Flow banding in the volcanics strikes 040 degrees and dips 70 degrees northwest. A light grey to flesh tone rhyolite with euhedral to subhedral feldspar grains exhibits extensive limonitic and hematitic staining.
The volcanics are crosscut by a dark green, strongly magnetic gabbro intrusion which hosts disseminated pyrite. Also, associated quartz and quartz-carbonate veins crosscut the volcanics and host both disseminated and blebs of pyrite and chalcopyrite.
The Beaver Pond showing, on the Apex 18 claim, consists of mineralized quartz veins and quartz-carbonate veinlets in a 91 metre section in basalt. A 3.0 metre fracture zone in the basalt hosts quartz infilling with associated chalcopyrite, chalcocite, bornite and malachite. The quartz-carbonate veinlets host disseminated chalcopyrite and bornite with malachite staining.
In 1986, a sample taken from a small barite vein from "the Ba showing" at the northern end of Beaver Pond indicated strong enrichment in base metal trace elements like copper and silver, as well as in barium and strontium. Approximately 200 metres southeast of Beaver Pond a sample assayed 6.0 grams per tonne silver and 0.062 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 15489).
From 2007 to 2012, John Moll conducted 6 small programs of small diameter EW and X-Ray diamond-drilling totalling 156.6 metres in 8 holes on his China Knows claims. See MINFILE 093L 344 (China Knows), located just north of the Apex area. The China Knows claims covered much of the earlier Apex claims. Some of the short holes may be on or near the Apex 9 and/or the Apex 8 (093L 246) and/or the Apex 18 (093L 247) showings.
In 2011 and 2012, Quartz Mountain Resources Ltd held the considerable Buck and Karma property. In 2011, the company conducted 3906 kilometres of aeromagnetic surveying which covered many occurrences in the region (Assessment Report 33176, 34048). The survey limits occur immediately south of the Apex area.
Refer to Apex 9 (093L 245) for details of the early history of the Apex property which includes the Apex 18.