The claims are underlain by andesite, tuff, and dacite to rhyodacite flow rocks of the Lower to Middle Jurassic Hazelton Group and are unconformably overlain by conglomerates, grits, and mud- stones of the Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Bowser Group. Cretaceous Bulkley Intrusions and younger quartz-feldspar porphyry dikes intrude the stratified rocks.
Two adits along veins in altered andesite, at elevations of 1400 and 1585 metres, exposed argentiferous galena with a low gold content. Both veins were short and discontinuous.
At an elevation of 1250 metres, a sheared and altered vein in silicified andesite strikes 050 degrees and dips 65 degrees southeast maintaining an average width of 46 centimetres. The altered dike rock consists of finely disseminated pyrite. A selected sample assayed trace gold, and 43.2 grams per tonne silver. A sample from an 8 centimetre galena stringer assayed 5485 grams per tonne silver and 73 per cent lead (Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 223, page 62).