The area of Captain 08-02 is underlain by Upper Triassic calc-alkaline volcanics of the Takla Group.
The purpose of 2008 drillhole 08-02 on the Captain property was to test an overburden-covered area of high chargeability, moderate to high resistivity and moderate magnetics located about 3 km east-southeast of Windy Lake.
The hole intersected mainly volcanic sediments cut by several feldspar porphyry, diorite and “light green” dikes. The latter contain 15-20 per cent, 2-4 mm chloritized mafics set in an aphanitic, chloritized matrix. The highest copper-gold values encountered in the hole are 0.038 per cent copper and 0.016 gram per tonne gold in the down-hole interval 22.6-24.0 metres which contains a 15 cm wide band of heavy (15-20%) pyrite and minor disseminated chalcopyrite (Assessment Report 30194).
In 2008, Orestone Mining Corp carried out a program of NQ2 diamond drilling in the northern part of the Captain property. Six holes totaling 1,103 metres were completed. Four holes (08-01, 08-04, 08-05 and 08-06) tested structurally-controlled mineralization and two holes (08-02 and 08-03) tested a small portion of a 3 square kilometre chargeability anomaly. However, only results for 08-02 were published (Assessment Report 30194).
See Windy (093J 024) for a discussion of the Captain property history.