The RB area is underlain by Upper Triassic calc-alkaline volcanic rocks of the Takla Group. Limited bedrock exposure and float consist of a variety of greenstones including flows breccia and fragmentals. Some pyrite and traces of chalcopyrite was noted on the property, particularly in brecciated rocks.
The R.B. claims were located by Anthian Resource Corp on the strength of government airborne magnetic maps. In the summer of 1990 approximately 139 line kilometres of geophysical surveying was flown over the claims by Dighem Surveys on behalf of Anthian. Later in the year Anthian completed a 24 line-kilometre ground magnetometer and VLF-EM survey and collected 6 rock samples, 45 biogeochemical samples and 360 soil samples. Soil geochemical values for gold ranged from a low of <5 ppb to a high of 220 ppb (Assessment Report 21002).
In 2007, In 2007, Orestone Mining Corp conducted some work on its Admiral Heading group of claims, part of the Captain property, that cover the old PM (Assessment Report 29908).
See Windy (093J 024) for some related ownership history after 2007.