The WT (Uduk Porphyry) occurrence is located on the north side of a moderate hill, north of the Chelsie Arm of Natalkuz Lake and approximately 7.7 kilometres southwest of Table Hill.
The region in which the showing occurs is within the Intermontane Belt, underlain dominantly by Lower to Middle Jurassic volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Hazelton Group. These assemblages are overlain by the Upper Cretaceous to Lower Tertiary Ootsa Lake Group and Miocene plateau basalt. Intruding Lower Jurassic rocks of the Hazelton Group in the northeastern part of the map sheet is a belt of granodiorite, diorite, and quartz diorite plutons of the Lower Jurassic Topley intrusive suite. Felsic plutons of probable Cretaceous age intrude both Lower and Middle Jurassic Hazelton strata.
The WT showing is underlain mainly by a Cretaceous felsic pluton comprising hornblende diorite to quartz diorite to the north and nonporphyritic to porphyritic latite to the south. At the contact of the intrusion with the enclosing rocks of the Hazelton Group, hornfels and skarn have developed.
Pyrite, chalcopyrite, molybdenite, minor bornite, pyrrhotite and magnetite are variably dispersed throughout the plutonic rocks and the hornfels-skarn unit. Chalcopyrite occurs mainly as disseminations along fracture planes along with epidote and chlorite, and as veinlets and stringers associated with magnetite, in both biotite-rich diorite and the hornfels-skarn unit. Molybdenite occurs in association with very fine-grained dark coloured biotite-rich inclusions within the biotite diorite.
Work History
The claim group, comprising WT 1-42, 1-12 Fractions, was owned in 1971 by Noranda Exploration Company, Limited. The company's work during that year included geological. mapping, 730 geochemical samples, a 22.7 line-kilometre magnetometer survey, a 6.4 line-kilometre induced polarization survey and a 6.1 line-kilometre electromagnetic survey covering WT 1-16 and WT 1-6 fractions. In 1972, Noranda held WT 1-20, 25-32, WT 1-6 and 9-11 Fractions. Geological and topographical mapping, as well as a 11.4 line-kilometre induced polarization survey were done on the property.
In 2007, a helicopter-borne geophysical survey was carried out on behalf of Golden Dragon Explorations Inc. on the South Claims project (Assessment Report 29485). The survey extended along the northeast side of Chelaslie Arm from Euchu Lake (Reach) northwest to end of Chelaslie Arm and about 8 kilometres north from the northwest end of the arm. The length of the area survey from northwest to southeast was about 27 kilometres and from 5 to 6 kilometres across from northeast to southwest. The survey covered MINFILE showings Bull 4 (093F 063) at the southeast end of the survey, the MT (093F 031) in the central part of the survey and the Chelaslie Arm (093F 025) towards the northwest end of the survey. The northwestern part of grid is reported to be very active in terms of electromagnetic anomalies; the central part is subdued in electromagnetic activity; and fewer anomalies exist in the southeastern area. Magnetic anomalies are due to either magnetic intrusions or magnetic rich volcanics except in the southeast portion where there are more linear trends, possibly reflecting diking or magnetic and non-magnetic flows.
In 2015, John Kreft completed a program of prospecting and geochemical (rock and soil sampling) on the area as the Uduk Porphyry property. Float rock samples (UPR-05 and -06) of pyritic diorite from locally derived till yielded up to 0.17 per cent copper and 7.2 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 35225).