The Cinderella showing is exposed along a north to slightly northwest flowing creek in an area of laminated shale and siltstone of the Jurassic Hazelton Group. Lapilli tuffs of the Lower Jurassic Telkwa Formation, Hazelton Group occur to the immediate east. A major fault zone parallels the creek and is exposed in side-gullies immediately east of the creek. A plug of granodiorite of the Late Cretaceous Kasalka Plutonic Suite occurs along or east of the creek.
Within the shear zone, in fault breccias and in veins, stringers and boxworks associated with the fault zone are occurrences and showings of galena, reddish-brown sphalerite, pyrite and minor chalcopyrite. These occur as disseminations, splashes, and masses within a variable gangue composed of quartz, calcite, siderite, ankerite and barite as well as disseminations within the sedimentary rocks and in sheared, crushed rock. Mineralized zones are narrow, (5 to 20 centimetres) and discontinuous as exposed, weakly anomalous silver was present in some of the rock samples which analysed to 7.5 grams per tonne (Assessment Report 13070).
Work History
In 1983, three men spent a total of 10 man-days prospecting and evaluating the Cinderella claims. This area is adjoining to the west of the Coles area (see 093E 110) and some overlapping sampling appears to have occurred. No previous work was noted on the Cinderella ground. Thirty rock and 5 silt samples were collected for analysis in 1983. Mineralization was noted in seven separated areas.