The Samuel occurrence is located about 6 kilometres south of Troitsa Lake approximately 109 kilometres south-southwest of the community of Houston.
The Samuel showing is located at the southern margin of the Tahtsa Caldera which is marked by a major east-west fault zone. The property is underlain by Middle Jurassic Smithers Formation (Hazelton Group) volcanics, Upper Jurassic sediments of the Ashman Formation (Bowser Lake Group), and quartz diorite to granodiorite stocks of the Late Cretaceous Bulkley Plutonic Suite.
Within sediments of the Smithers Formation is a well developed quartz-calcite-ankerite alteration zone associated with east-west shearing containing disseminated and fracture fillings of galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and pyrite. Barite was noted at one locality. The sediments are comprised of well bedded, dark, gritty siltstone, greywacke, cherty tuff and minor breccia. A zone containing pyrite, chalcopyrite and bornite-bearing quartz veins and stringers occurs in Hazelton Group volcanics.
In 1983, the Samuel claims were staked to cover an exposed gossan and exploration consisted of prospecting. In the 2000s, the Samuel showing was held by Callinan Mines. The only known work from that period that directly pertains to the Samuel appears to be a 2012 ZTEM helicopter-borne geophysical survey.
Refer to Fab (093E 041) for related geology and property work history details of the Fab and Troitsa projects.