The Ace occurrence is located on the main eastern tributary of Chikamin Creek, approximately 4.5 kilometres south- south west of the creek mouth on the Nechako Reservoir.
The area is underlain by calc-alkaline volcanic rocks of the Lower Jurassic Telkwa Formation (Hazelton Group) and undivided sedimentary rocks of the Middle Jurassic Smithers Formation (Hazelton Group). These have been intruded by intrusive rocks of the Eocene Coast Plutonic Complex(?) to the south east.
Locally, an intrusive breccia occurring in one area has a pyritic halo. Skarn type mineralization consisting of magnetite, chalcopyrite and bornite occurs along shear zones beyond the pyritic halo. Disseminated hematite, pyrite and chalcopyrite occur in agglomerates, tuffs and andesites.
In 1965, Omineca Sixty Four S completed a program of geological mapping on the area as the Ace Group. In 1989 and 1990, Equity Silver Mines completed programs of geological mapping and rock, silt and soil sampling on the area as the Midnight claims. In 2006, Christopher James Gold, on the behalf of Guardsmen Resources, prospected the area as the Zinc Bay property. In 2011, Jet Gold, on behalf of Guardsmen Resources, completed a program of rock sampling and airborne magnetic and electromagnetic surveys, totalling 476 kilometres on the area. The airborne survey encompassed the Ace area.
In 2011, samples from the Ace prospect area were collected by Guardsmen Resources Inc during a 1 kilometre traverse up a steep-sided creek canyon lined with granitic intrusion breccia, a sheared and silicified felsic dyke and rusty-weathering, sheared and pyrite-altered volcanic rock. The lithologies and alteration patterns observed were consistent with those described and illustrated in previous property reports (Assessment Report 729) and regional bedrock mapping publications (Open File Map 1988-2; Fieldwork 1987). The alteration observed occurs over a lineal distance of approximately 0.7 kilometre, and it is reported to cover a 3 by 0.5 kilometre area). There appears to be a spatial and genetic relationship between the granitic breccia and the intensely sheared and altered rock. No economic minerals were observed during the traverse. Samples taken yielded up to 5 grams per tonne silver along with elevated lead and zinc.
Refer to Nickel Plate (093E 027) for details of a common area work history.