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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  25-Apr-2022 by Niel Hugo (NH)

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NMI 093E11 Cu5
Name TROITSA CIRQUE, TROITSA (CIRQUE), MK Mining Division Omineca, Skeena
BCGS Map 093E054
Status Showing NTS Map 093E11W
Latitude 053º 30' 46'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 127º 20' 29'' Northing 5930595
Easting 609982
Commodities Copper, Molybdenum Deposit Types L04 : Porphyry Cu +/- Mo +/- Au
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The Troitsa Cirque area is underlain mainly by volcanics of the Cretaceous Kasalka Group and the Jurassic Hazelton Group (Telkwa Formation) which have been intruded by the Upper Cretaceous granodiorite-quartz monzonite Troitsa stock (Bulkley Plutonic Suite).

The Cirque showing is associated with a 12 metre wide feldspar porphyry dike within quartz monzonite of the Troitsa stock. Finely disseminated chalcopyrite and pyrite occur in the propylitically altered dike. Fracturing in the surrounding quartz monzonite hosts quartz, pyrite, chalcopyrite and molybdenite.

The showing described as being similar in character to the Troitsa Main showing (093E 005) but with weaker alteration and mineralization. Silver Standard collected forty-four 3.05 metre chip samples over a 42.5 metres wide zone of mineralization. The sampling yielded 0.33 per cent copper over 16.7 metres from altered granodiorite and 0.13 per cent copper over 25.8 metres from fresh granodiorite (as reported in 34785). A historic drill platform and core was located in 2011 near the suspected location of the Cirque showing. Copper and molybdenum mineralization was noted throughout the hole.

In 2010, Callinex sampled the area of the Cirque showing but failed to find the historic location. They did locate Darryl, Cirque 2 and Cirque 3 showings located in the general vicinity of the historic Cirque showing which was not located in the 2010 program. The Darryl showing consists of a 50 by 75 metre area containing abundant vein and disseminated chalcopyrite in both granodiorite and andesite volcanics. A number of select grab samples were collected over the area and yielded values as high as 0.6263 per cent copper, 0.1117 molybdenum, 0.241 gram per tonne gold and 761 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 32205). The samples plot several hundred metres south and southeast or in the case of the silver value, to the east. The Cirque 3 showing may be an extension of mineralization at the Darryl showing as it sits roughly 200 metres to the northwest of it. The Cirque 2 area is situated at the base of a glacier approximately 1000 metres further on strike to the northwest from the Darryl. Sampling in the Cirque 2 area yielded values as high as 0.2097 per cent copper from select grab samples and 0.1 per cent copper over 10 metres (Assessment Report 32205). Locational documentation is incomplete.

In 2011, Callinex located an undocumented drill site (platform and core of hole Q-1 with coordinates of 607711E and 5931472N, NAD 83 Zone 9, Ken Galambos pers. comm.) by the geophysical crew several hundred metres "south of the creek" in the general area of the Cirque zone (Assessment Report 33115). The AQ sized hole measured approximately 500 metre in length and intersected copper and molybdenum mineralization intermittently over its entire length.

Callinex performed a magnetic and ZTEM helicopter-borne geophysical survey over the Coles Creek property in August 2012. The Coles Creek property included the original Fab group showings and those of the Troitsa property which include: TROITSA LAKE (093E 003), TROITSA MAIN (093E 005) TROITSA CIRQUE (093E 009), TROITSA EAST (093E 129). The geophysical survey consisted of 1011 line-kilometres.

Refer to Troitsa Main for details of the Troitsa property work history and Fab (093E 041) for related geology and property work history details of the Cole Creek property which the Troitsa property was part of from 2010 to 2013.

EMPR AR 1966-112; 1967-113; 1968-141
EMPR ASS RPT 1091, *2026, *3253, *12278, 31748, *32205, *33115, 33984, 34554, 34785
EMPR BULL *75, pp. 53,67,68
EMPR EXPL 1983-412
EMPR GEM 1969-98; 1971-146
EMPR OF 1994-14
EMPR PF (*Cawthorn, N. (1971): Final Report 1971 Program, Troitsa Lake Property)
EMR MP CORPFILE (Silver Standard Mines Limited)
GSC OF 708
GSC P 72-1A; 79-1A
EMPR PFD 672261