The Offset Lake occurrence is located north of Offset Lake and approximately 5.2 kilometres northeast of the eastern end of McKinley Lake.
The area is underlain by Upper Triassic Nicola Group rocks consisting of a lower tuff-argillite sequence, a middle volcanic breccia zone and an upper, predominantly argillite sequence. The lower tuff-argillite unit is intruded by a dioritic stock and associated andesitic sills/dikes.
Locally, as defined by diamond drilling, the area is underlain by a sequence of interbedded phyllites, black argillite and a white-green calcareous felsic volcaniclastic/tuff. The volcaniclastic unit is characterized by abundant carbonate and thin wispy horizons of pyrite, whereas the phyllites are silicified and chloritized and host disseminated pyrite and pyrrhotite with trace chalcopyrite. Chloritic andestic tuffs and tuffaceous limestone are also noted.
In 1983, drillhole JO-83-16 yielded 0.10 gram per tonne gold over the bottom 14.2 metres of the hole and sampling (28409) of roadcuts yielded up to 0.12 gram per tonne gold over 1 metre (Assessment Report 11382).
In 1988, a sample from a chloritic fault zone intersected in drillhole JO-88-1 from 89.3 to 91.4 metres downhole assayed 0.88 gram per tonne gold and 0.1494 per cent arsenic (Assessment Report 18267).
In 1981, The Jamboree 1-18 claims were first staked in 1981 by E & B Explorations Inc. as part of the RGS staking rush to cover an area of anomalous gold and arsenic values. Also, at this time International Prism Resources completed a program of soil and silt sampling on the area immediately northeast as the JMT claims. In 1982 and 1983, programs of geochemical sampling, geological mapping and 10 drillholes, totalling 1083.6 metres, were completed on the area.
In 1987, Imperial Metals Corporation established grids in the Offset Lake area and took 562 soil samples, which identified an approximately 1000 by 150 metre gold-in-soil anomaly with values up to 6395 parts per million gold (Assessment Report 17215). In 1988, an induced polarization survey was completed, followed by two diamond drill holes, totalling 320 metres. In 1991, Imperial Metals completed a soil survey over the Offset Lake grid and collected 500 soil samples.
During 2008 through 2012, Bullion Gold Corp. completed programs of soil sampling, a 45.5 line-kilometre induced polarization survey and 1874.0 line-kilometres of airborne geophysical surveying on the area as part of the Cariboo Goldfields and Horsefly properties.