The region is underlain by Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic Nicola Group basalt intruded by the Lower Jurassic Takomkane Batholith of essentially granodioritic composition. Small syenitic to monzonitic stocks and dikes have intruded the volcanic rocks but appear to be crosscut by the Takomkane batholith. These alkalic felsic intrusions commonly have associated copper mineralization. Mineralization occurs within intrusions or propylitized volcanics near the intrusions. This can be either porphyry or skarn-type mineralization.
The Takomkane batholith outcrops at Murphy Lake east of the Cleo showing and basalt occurs to the north near Eagle (or Canim) Creek. In the area of the showing, outcrop is exceedingly sparse. Copper mineralization has been reported to occur in granodiorite and is believed to be associated with alkalic felsic rocks intruded by the Takomkane batholith.
In 1995, with Explore B.C. Program support, Regional Resources Ltd. continued exploration on their large Lac La Hache area claims. The program included geological mapping and sampling, magnetometer and induced polarization surveys, and 3336 metres of diamond drilling in 18 holes. Results of this work range from disappointing to an interesting new discovery. Geological mapping and geophysical surveys indicate that copper-gold zones associated with alkalic intrusions seem to be narrow and steeply dipping, though of good grade, thus forming an exploration challenge. Large IP anomalies seem to be due to abundant primary magnetite rather than large copper-gold deposits. Drilling on the Nemrud skarn was disappointing. Late in the season, a new zone of copper mineralization with values ranging from 0.4 to 1 per cent copper over widths of 10 metres was discovered in coarse grained, magnetite-bearing monzonite/diorite and gabbro on the TT1 claim near Murphy Lake – a first for this intrusion (Explore B.C. Program 95/96 - M139). See the Murphy Lake occurrence (093A 073) for more information.
GWR Resources completed programs of prospecting, geochemical sampling, geological mapping and geophysical surveys on the area during the 1990s through 2013.
During 2018 through 2021, EnGold Mines Ltd. completed programs of prospecting, soil sampling, diamond drilling and a geophysical survey on the area as part of the Lac La Hache property.