The Anticlimax showings are located approximately 20 kilometres north-northwest of the town of Little Fort, in the northern portion of the Crazy Fox property. The property is located between 1190 and 1370 metres elevation on a low hill approximately 2 kilometres south of the southeast end of Taweel Lake.
The property is underlain by Middle to Late Triassic Nicola Group volcanic sandstone, siltstone and conglomerate overlying mafic breccias and massive to pillowed pyroxene-phyric basalt. Cretaceous granite and quartz-feldspar porphyry intrusions, approximately 1.0 kilometre in diameter, intrude the Nicola Group rocks. Locally, the units are intruded by a swarm of small dikes and contain local hornfels. The granitic rocks have been offset and twisted by north easterly directed compression. The Anticlimax showings are molybdenum-tungsten occurrences within the Cretaceous granitic stock northeast of Tintlhohtan Lake. The exterior of the stock is mapped as aplite and the interior as quartz monzonite to granite in composition.
Molybdenite and wolframite occur as disseminated blebs and streaks and in the selvages of centimetre-scale quartz veinlets and smaller fractures. Occasional veinlets of massive molybdenite up to several centimetres wide have also been observed. Molybdenite and wolframite are mostly contained within shear and extensional quartz veins hosted by phyllic and argillic- altered leucogranite. The granite also contains stylolitic molybdenite veins hosted by cooling cracks as well as wolframite and pyrite stylolitic cooling cracks. The centre of the mineralizing system appears to be a zone of intrusive hydrothermal breccias encapsulating mineralized quartz-molybdenite veins in a matrix of fine-grained leucocratic intrusives with associated quartz-feldspar dikes (Assessment Report 30632). At the Anticlimax B showing, Stevenson (Bulletin 9) reported high-grade molybdenum mineralization in a gently-dipping lens, measuring approximately 2.5 metres in diameter and 65 centimetres wide, near the western margin of the stock. The lens consists of heavily disseminated molybdenite associated with patches of quartz-feldspar pegmatite within aplite and quartz-feldspar porphyry.
A biotite separate from unaltered granite of the Tintlhohtan Lake stock yielded a potassium-argon date of 102 ±5 Ma (Geological Survey of Canada Paper 79-2). In the same study, sericite from an alteration envelope bordering a mineralized vein produced a date of 90.7 ±3.3 Ma, indicating that the alteration and associated molybdenum-tungsten mineralization was genetically related to the host stock. These dates suggest that the Tintlhohtan Lake stock is part of the mid-Cretaceous Bayonne suite of intrusions, which is widespread in south eastern British Columbia, and is the focus of a study to assess its potential for plutonic-related gold mineralization (Fieldwork 2000). The BC Geological Survey conducted a regional till geochemistry program over NTS map sheets 092P09W and 08W in 1999 (Open File 2000-17).
The first Anticlimax claims were staked in 1938. In 1961, Bralorne Pioneer Mines optioned the property and carried out a limited program of trenching, induced polarization surveying, and drilling. Rio Tinto optioned the property in 1965 and performed a detailed geological mapping program as well as trenching, soil and stream geochemistry, and various geophysical surveys. Between 1966 and 1969, Falconbridge completed several exploration programs including soil and stream sediment geochemistry, geological mapping, electromagnetic and magnetometer geophysical surveys, and a diamond drill program. Fourteen holes were drilled, totalling 1605 metres (5265 feet). In 1980, Amax of Canada Limited conducted a soil and stream sediment sampling program over the Anticlimax prospect.
During 1999 through 2005, Newmac Resources Incorporated carried out programs of soil and rock sampling and trenching over the area as the Crazy Fox property, the results of which agreed with and elaborated upon earlier geochemistry work by Rio Tinto and Falconbridge. A 33-hole drill program was carried out in 2006 along with soil sampling and trenching. The program produced 7490 metres of NQ core displaying large continuous intersections of tungsten mineralization that coincided with fracture-controlled molybdenite mineralization. Several drill holes intersected a 3 metre section of 0.35 per cent molybdenum associated with unidirectional quartz comb texture developed in a convoluted fashion (also referred to as brain rock). Significant drill results from the program included a 42 metre section of 0.028 per cent molybdenum and 0.047 per cent molybdenite; a 6 metre section of 0.085 per cent tungsten, 0.107 per cent wolframite, 0.08 per cent molybdenum and 0.130 per cent molybdenite; and a 2.1- metre section of 3.910 per cent tungsten, 4.920 per cent wolframite, 0.048 per cent molybdenum, and 0.080 per cent molybdenite (Assessment Report 28838).
In 2007 and 2008, 13,331 metres of core were drilled and, using the core, a detailed fracture study of mineralized veins and fractures within the lower fault plate was carried out. Analysis of the core revealed a mineralized zone over 800 metres in length with a 430 metre intercept averaging 0.1 per cent molybdenum, including 157 metres averaging 0.29 per cent molybdenum (Assessment Report 30632). Further work in 2009 included geological and geochemical sampling programs and three drill holes totalling 610.2 metres, none of which intersected significant mineralization.
During 2010 through 2013, programs of rock and soil sampling, geological mapping and an induced polarization survey were completed on the eastern side of Lemieux Creek.