The Har occurrence is located west of Coetkwaus Creek and approximately 1.6 kilometres southeast of the creek's mouth on Rupert Inlet.
The region is underlain by northwest trending Upper Triassic volcanic rocks and sediments of the Vancouver Group (Karmutsen, Quatsino and Parson Bay formations) and Lower Jurassic Bonanza Group volcanic rocks and sediments. These rocks have been intruded by stocks of the Jurassic Island Plutonic Suite.
Locally, minor disseminated pyrite and chalcopyrite are found in volcanic rocks of the Bonanza Group, which have been intruded by porphyry dykes believed to be linked to the quartz monzonite Rupert Inlet stock. This stock has been dated by K-Ar methods at 154 plus or minus 6 million years (Geological Survey of Canada Paper 74-8). Refer to the Island Copper (MINFILE 092L 158) deposit for detailed description of copper mineralization associated with porphyry dike intrusions.
Work History
In 1968, Riviera Mines completed a 6.0 line-kilometre induced polarization survey on the area as the Har and Expo claims. The following year, Phelps Dodge Corp. of Canada Ltd. completed a 26.9 line-kilometre induced polarization survey on the Har claim. In 1986, BHP-Utah Mines completed a soil sampling program on the area as the Mary, Moon and Sun claims. In 2005, Lumina Resources Corp. and Moraga Resources Ltd. completed a program of soil sampling and a 670.0 line-kilometre airborne electromagnetic survey on the area as the Mo 1-18 claims. In 2011, North Island Mining Corp. completed a 21.0 line-kilometre induced polarization survey on the area. In 2018, Howson Ventures Inc. completed a program of rock and soil sampling on the area as the Rupert property.