The Knight Inlet Marble-Copper showing is located approximately 1.5 kilometres north of Knight Inlet along the east side of Matsiu Creek.
The area is underlain chiefly by an uncorrelated Paleozoic and/or Triassic marble lens, 15 to 30 metres wide and at least 350 metres long. The lens is contained within granodiorite of the Jurassic to Cretaceous Coast Plutonic Complex.
Locally, bornite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, pyrrhotite, malachite and azurite are noted as irregular lenses within garnetite in the crystalline marble. The management of the property in 1928 recorded an assay of 85.7 grams per tonne silver, 5.7 per cent copper and 5.88 per cent zinc across a 1.2 metre “vein” (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1928, page 380).
Princess Copper Mining Company drove adits on sulphide mineralization on the property prior to 1920. Four adits, totalling approximately 170 metres, were opened by Cambrian Copper Company in 1928.
Exploration on the marble was begun in 1966 by BBM Exploration. Knight Inlet Resources Limited was formed in 1969 to develop the marble potential of the property. The physical tests indicate the compressive strength in the order of 69 000 to 83 000 kilopascals, bulk gravity 2.66 to 2.77 and absortion 0.06 to 0.09 per cent. The modulus of rupture of six samples varied between 12 970 and 19 390 kilopascals (Exploration 1978, page 285).
In 1993, Barry Furneaux and Associates completed a program of prospecting and geological mapping. In 2012, Auracle Geospatial Science, on the behalf of S. Poystila, completed a satellite remote sensing survey and analysis on the area.