The Jervis Inlet molybdenite showing is located just southwest of McCannel Lake in the Sechelt Provincial Forest of the Pacific Ranges.
The showing is hosted by massive, coarse grained, biotite granodiorite of the Tertiary to Cretaceous Coast Plutonic Complex. Associated porphyritic dykes of unspecified composition cut the granodiorite.
Mineralization occurs principally as "spots" of coarse grained molybdenite and rusty feldspar which range in size from 1 to 30 centimetres. The proportion of molybdenite in these clots varies up to 50 per cent. Minor molybdenite also occurs with quartz as fracture-fillings in granodiorite. The deposit is said to measure approximately 150 metres by 20 metres by 70 metres with no indication as to shape. No estimation of grade or assay data are available.