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File Created: 17-Feb-1993 by B. Neil Church (BNC)
Last Edit:  17-Dec-2024 by Del Ferguson (DF)

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NMI 092J15 Au12
BCGS Map 092J086
Status Prospect NTS Map 092J15W
Latitude 050º 48' 30'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 122º 49' 53'' Northing 5628525
Easting 511880
Commodities Gold, Lead, Copper Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Bridge River, Cadwallader
Capsule Geology

The GOLDEN LEDGE workings are located on both sides of the Hurley River, 1350 metres northeast of the confluence of the Hurley River and Cadwallader Creek and 3.5 kilometres north of Bralorne, B.C.

The principal formations exposed in the workings are greenstones, ribbon chert, black argillite, quartz-carbonate rocks and serpentinite. Lenses of the latter two rocks, up to 9 metres thick, are locally interbanded with chert in the northern part of the property, possibly on a splay of the Cadwallader fault zone. The trend of the formations is north, coinciding generally with bedding attitudes observed in the chert. This trend is offset locally by transverse faults.

Two main veins, the Ruth and Jupiter, and several smaller veins and leads such as the Louise and Jesse Anne were explored. The Ruth vein has been followed by approximately 300 feet [90 m] of drifting in No.3 adit and about 800 feet [240 m] of drifting in No.5 adit. It consists principally of a single quartz lens, 6 inches to 2 feet [15 to 60 cm] wide, in a shear zone 1 to 4 feet [0.3 to 1.2 m] wide. The quartz is usually massive but in places it is ribboned. The mineralization is slight and consists principally of a small amount of fine pyrite. However, where ribboned, the vein contains numerous fine crystals of arsenopyrite in the sericitic partings of the ribbons. Tetrahedrite and pyrrhotite occur sporadically in the quartz vein; chalcopyrite and galena have been reported in small amounts. The southern part of the Ruth vein is in greenstone and the northern part is in argillaceous chert where it is discontinuous. In the No.3 adit, the north end of the vein at the face is a faulted lens of quartz, 1 metre long and 8 centimetres wide. At the south end of the same adit, the vein is badly faulted and discontinuous along strike and at the face consists of 2 to 8 centimetres of quartz in 5 to 15 centimetres of shear. In the No.5 adit the northern part of the vein is cut off by a strike-slip fault 35 metres from the face; at the south end there is strong faulting and the vein is narrow and discontinuous as in the No.3 level. During the driving of the No.3 tunnel, the best assay taken was 1.03 grams per tonne gold (Letter from Starr, 1938 (located in Property File)).

The Jupiter vein was first discovered in the bluffs on the west side of the river and traced by stripping for a few hundred metres. It was subsequently intersected by the cross-cut of No.4 adit and followed south for 55 metres. Where intersected by the crosscut and for about 30 metres, the vein consists of a stockwork of quartz stringers 1 to 3 metres wide. Most of the stringers strike north and dip about 50° to the west, however, a set of diagonal stringers in the central part of the stockwork strikes north-northeast and dips 10° to 40° to the northwest. To the south along the drift, the stockwork grades into a single quartz stringer about 30 centimetres wide that narrows to a few centimetres at the face. The Jupiter vein, like the Ruth, follows a strong strike-slip fault containing, in places, 30 centimetres of gouge. The Louise vein was intersected at 68 metres from the No.4 adit portal. It consists of two stringers of quartz ranging from a few centimetres to 0.3 metre wide, dipping 30° to 35° west. The quartz is massive and sparsely mineralized with scattered pyrite, similar to the Jupiter vein.

The Jesse Anne adit was driven south from a draw on the east bank of the river in the quartz-carbonate zone in the northern part of the property. This adit explores vertical carbonate stringers and veins 2 to 45 centimetres wide. No quartz veins were encountered.

A number of other small showings were explored on the property during the early years of prospecting. Several narrow quartz veins, 2 to 10 centimetres wide and 3 to 30 metres long, are exposed on the bluffs 150 metres south-southeast of the Jessie Anne adit. Another vein exposure, 90 metres upstream from the No.5 adit, has a strike length of about 75 metres in a chimney near the top of the bluffs on the east side of the river. The vein dips 45° to 60° northwest following a north-northeast trending shear zone. Other small, relatively unmineralized quartz veins are exposed above, near the highway to Bralorne.

Quartz veins exposed on the walls of the canyon section of the Hurley River were the focus of early exploration. The first work, completed in the period 1933 to 1934, consisted of several open cuts and two short adits. In 1935 the No.3 adit was begun 130 metres above river level and driven east to the Ruth vein. Also, at this time, the Jupiter vein, west of the river, was traced 400 metres in a series of open cuts. From 1939 to 1940, the No.4 and No.5 adits were driven to intersect the Jupiter and Ruth veins. In 1951 drifts were extended and a crosscut was driven west from the north drift on the No.5 level. A cable crossing was re-established at this time to connect the No.4 workings to the west with the main operations on the east side of the river. In 1952 a total of 250 metres of exploratory tunnelling was completed in the No.4 adit. This work included extension of the existing crosscut and drifting on the Jupiter and Louise veins.

In 1988, a soil sampling program was done over the area, resulting in weakly anomalous silver, antimony and copper values. In 2022, Wild West Gold Corp. conducted a drone magnetometer survey and MMI soil sampling program over their Bralone West property, including the Golden Ledge mineral occurrence. A 450 by 400 metre circular magnetic high occurs 300 metres north and along strike of the Jupiter and Louise veins. MMI sampling showed a coincident silver, arsenic and antimony anomaly, duplicating the 1988 soil survey (Assessment Report 40764).

EMPR ASS RPT 34874, 36529, 40764
EMPR FIELDWORK 1974; 1985, pp. 303-310; 1986, pp. 23-34; 1987, pp. 93-130; 1988, pp. 105-152; 1989, pp. 45-72; 1990, pp. 75-83
EMPR GEOL 1975-G60
EMPR OF 1987-11; 1988-3; 1989-4; 1990-10
EMPR P *1995-3
EMPR PF (Starr, C.C. (1938): Report on the Property of the Golden Ledge Syndicate: Letter from C.C. Starr, July, 1938; Map of underground workings, 1938, Scale: 1"=60'; Plan of Veins and Workings,1938, Scale: 1"=300'; Longitudinal Projection Through Workings, 1938, Scale: 1"=100'; Plan maps of underground workings)
GSC MAP 430A; 431A
GSC MEM 130; 213
GSC OF 482
GSC P 43-15; 73-17
Talisker Resources Ltd. (2020-09-02): NI 43-101 Technical Report, Bralorne Gold Project, Bralorne, British Columbia, Canada