In the upper workings, 30 metres above the road, two opencuts and strippings expose lenses 0.75 by 2 metres of serpentine and sheared soapstone. The serpentine contains 2.5-centimetre nodules of soapstone.
The best and largest showing occurs 5 metres to the west where lenses of soapstone/serpentine are 0.5 by 3 metres. Light green talc is located in the hanging wall of the serpentine, in bands 0.5 metre long by 5 centimetres thick. The soapstone is mottled grey-green and peppered by crystals of rusty ankerite.
The workings 20 metres below the road are about 100 metres southwest across strike from the upper lenses. A large opencut contains a small amount of soapstone occurring with serpentine in lenses parallel to the enclosing schist planes.
The host to all showings is ankeritic sericite schist, meta- sedimentary rocks of the Mississippian to Jurassic Bridge River Complex (Group) which lie in a 100 metres wide band striking northwest and dipping nearly vertical. Platey argillites lie conformably against the schist and are irregularly intruded by granite dyke.