The Marb 72 showing is located in outcrop 600 metres north of Shackelly Creek and 19 kilometres northwest of Merritt.
The area is underlain by Early Jurassic-Late Triassic Guichon Creek batholith Border phase quartz diorite and Upper Triassic Nicola Group massive fine-grained and porphyritic andesites, tuffs and agglomerates. Outcrop is generally sparse. The intrusive/volcanic contact zone is brecciated, sporadically mineralized and is hornfelsed with minor magnetite. Apophyses of quartz diorite and volcanic blocks are visible within the contact zone. Gneissosity in the intrusive is parallel to the contact.
Minor disseminated pyrite and pyrrhotite occur in altered volcanic fragments and with chalcopyrite in small shears in the contact zone. One skarn outcrop appears brecciated and is comprised of epidote, garnet, actinolite and chlorite with minor chalcopyrite and trace malachite.
In 2012, Huldra Silver Inc. completed a 903 line-kilometre airborne geophysical survey on the area as the Thule property. This work has isolated six magnetic anomalies (A through F) that have potential for magnetite skarn development, similar to the nearby Craigmont (MINFILE 092ISE035) deposit.