The JHC occurrence is located immediately southwest of Homfray Lake, approximately 4 kilometres southeast of Logan Lake and 35 kilometres north of Merritt.
The area is underlain by volcanic rocks of the Upper Triassic Nicola Group. The area straddles a northwest-trending contact between two volcanic sequences. East of the contact zone are very fine grained, red flows with occasional feldspar (plagioclase?) phenocrysts. The matrix contains moderate amounts of hematite disseminations. To the west are grey volcanics with an aphanitic to fine-grained matrix and associated feldspar and/or augite phenocrysts. Alteration consists of epidote, chlorite and carbonate. The contact zone parallels the main northwest structural trend. Northeast and north trends are also evident.
Locally, fracturing and narrow shears in amygdaloidal andesite contain epidote, carbonate, quartz, malachite, chalcocite and chalcopyrite. Parallel shear zone zones carrying sparse disseminated copper mineralization strike southwest-northeast. At one location traces of native copper associated with epidote were identified.
Drilling, in 1971, is reported to have intersected disseminated and fracture-filling chalcocite-hematite in porphyritic and amygdaloidal basalt. Drilling yielded intercepts of up to 0.56 per cent copper over a 3-metre sheared interval in hole no. 1 and 0.97 per cent copper over a 3-metre sheared interval in hole no. 2 (Property File 10704).
In 1987, a chip sample (87-001) assayed 4.27 per cent copper and 14.2 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 17337).
In 2018, a grab sample (JH-4) of altered volcanics hosting a shear zone with chlorite(?) veinlets and malachite staining assayed 0.116 per cent copper (Assessment Report 38178).
Other zones of minor copper mineralization are reported several hundred metres south of the main zone on the former JHC 7 claim.
Work History
In 1958, Vanex Minerals Ltd. completed 135.1 line-kilometres of ground magnetic surveys on the area around Homfray Lake as the Don, Homestake, Pogo Fraction, Vanex, Lucky Jim and Sunshine claims. The following year, two drillholes were completed on the occurrence area.
In 1970, Craigmont Mines Ltd. staked the area, and the following year completed a program of geological mapping, geochemical sampling, ground magnetic and induced polarization surveys and two diamond drillholes, totalling 240 metres.
In 1979, Thunderbolt Resources Ltd. completed a program of geological mapping and 14.0 line-kilometre ground magnetic and electromagnetic survey on the area as the R 3-8 claims of the Homfray Lake property. The following year, a soil sampling program was completed.
During 1986 through 1988, Western Resources Technologies completed programs of prospecting, geological mapping, geochemical (rock, silt and soil) sampling and geophysical (induced polarization, electromagnetic and magnetometer) surveys on the area as the WRT claims.
In 1987 and 1988, Interpretex Resources Ltd. completed programs of rock and soil sampling on the area as the Oly 1-6 claims.
In 1992, Grant Crooker completed ground magnetic and electromagnetic surveys on the area as the LC 1 and Hom 1-6 claims.
In 2006, Auror Capital Corp. completed a photogeological (lineament array) analysis on the area as the Katrina claim.
During 2013 through 2015, Laurence Sookochoff, on the behalf of Guy and Christopher Delorme, carried out programs of structural analysis and geophysical surveys on the area as the Bertha property. In 2017, Laurence Sookochoff completed a program of historical geological, geochemical and geophysical data analysis and evaluation on the area. In 2018 and 2019, Kenneth Ellerbeck completed programs of prospecting and minor rock sampling on the area as the Rhyolite claim.
In 2020, Baden Resources Inc. completed a program of rock sampling, photo interpretation (structural analysis) and a 32.8 line-kilometre ground magnetic and electromagnetic survey on the area as the Bertha property.