The HC occurrence is located at an elevation of approximately 900 metres, near the northwest bank of Guichon Creek.
The area lies near the southeastern edge of the Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic Guichon Creek Batholith, where it intrudes Upper Triassic Nicola Group volcanic rocks. The HC showing is underlain by granodiorite to quartz diorite but is covered by glacial overburden up to 10 metres thick.
Locally, on the HC A fraction, mineralization is hosted by altered volcanic breccia and consists of strong hematite, minor chalcopyrite and malachite staining in a northwest-striking and steeply southeast-dipping zone. Native copper also occurs in small amounts.
To the northeast on the HC 36 claim hematite-rich volcanics are reported in a historic shaft dump.
Work History
Historical tunnels and trench are reported on the HC A fraction and HC 36 claims.
In 1957, Norhtwestern Explorations Ltd. completed three drill holes on the HC 36 claim to the northeast of the occurrence. Two drill holes, likely dating to this time, are also reported on the HC A Fraction.
In 1968, Bethlehem Copper completed a program of geological mapping on the area as the HC claims.
In 1972, Aselo Industries Ltd. completed a 24.5 line-kilometre induced polarization survey and a 47.7 line-kilometre ground magnetic survey on the area.
In 1995, Robert Gale prospected and sampled the area as the Amy 3-7 claims.
In 2011, Lucas Handley prospected and sampled the area as the Aberdeen claims.
In 2014, Dot Resources Ltd. completed a program of geological mapping on the area immediately south of the occurrence as the Don 1 claim.
During 2016 through 2018, Granby Gold Inc. completed programs of prospecting and geological mapping on the area as the Highland Valley South project.