The Tex occurrence is located at an elevation of approximately 820 metres on a southwest-trending ridge, north of the Nicola River and approximately 5.3 kilometres south of the summit of the Promontory Hills.
The area is underlain by volcaniclastic rocks of the Upper Triassic Nicola Group intruded to the south by the Lower Jurassic Coyle quartz diorite stock and to the north by the Lower Jurassic Guichon Creek granodiorite batholith. On the Tex property, massive green tuffs have been subdivided into limy, vitric, fissile or silicified units. Discontinuous beds of greywacke and limy sediments are interbedded with the tuff horizons. Strikes swing from north to northeast and dips are moderate. The Nicola Group sequence is intruded by a dike that is classified as quartz porphyry, although distinct variations in mineralogy, grain size and schistosity are evident. It is slightly chloritized and pyritic, and hosts scattered carbonate stringers that are less than 3 centimetres wide and consist mainly of calcite with up to 20 per cent siderite locally. Intrusion of the dike is apparently associated with folding and faulting. Chlorite and pyrite are widespread. A 15-metre wide zone of intense propylitization (chlorite, epidote, calcite) occurs along the contact of the quartz porphyry and the Nicola Group rocks. The tuff and greywacke units have been silicified in scattered patches. Minor hematite and limonite are also evident.
Low-grade copper mineralization occurs in a zone 300 metres in length and 15 metres wide along a sericitized shear zone striking north-northeast and dipping steeply west. Chalcopyrite, bornite, pyrite and pyrrhotite occur as veinlets and disseminations in carbonate veins and less commonly in limy country rock.
Work History
In 1958, Georgian Mining Ind. completed a 42.0 line-kilometre ground magnetic survey on the area as the Lis claims. Also at this time, a 68.5 line-kilometre ground magnetic survey was completed on the area immediately east of the occurrence as the P.L. 1-48 claims. This work identified five distinct magnetic anomalies.
In 1961, General Resources Ltd. completed a 2.7 line-kilometre induced polarization survey on the area as the Wade Tex claims. The following year, a program of prospecting, geological mapping, trenching and a 7.7 line-kilometre induced polarization survey was completed on the Wade and Tex claims. Also at this time, a 4.4 line-kilometre ground electromagnetic survey was completed on the area immediately south of the occurrence as the Roi claims. In 1965 and 1966, a single diamond drill hole, totalling 261.6 metres, was completed on the Wade property. The drillhole was reported to have intercepted sections containing pyrite with minor chalcopyrite.
In 2013, Dot Resources Ltd. completed a ground electromagnetic survey on the area as the Promontory Hills property. The following year, a program of geological photo interpretation was completed. In 2015, a program of geological photo interpretation and 26.7 line-kilometres of ground magnetic surveys were completed on the property. In 2016, Christopher Delorme completed an 8 line-kilometre ground magnetic survey on the Promontory Hills property.