The historic Enterprise camp is located on Mineral Hill within a north trending belt of Upper Triassic intermediate volcanics, volcaniclastics and sediments belonging to the Nicola Group. These greenstones consist of massive, chlorite-epidote altered andesite and basalt, augite porphyry, andesitic flow breccia and tuff, and minor interbedded argillite, conglomerate and limestone. Attitudes of tuff horizons and sedimentary bedding suggest that a north plunging axis of a syncline passes through Mineral Hill. Both west and north- east of Stump Lake, the Nicola Group volcanics are intruded by Lower Jurassic granitic batholiths; scattered granodiorite outcrops have been mapped in the vicinity of the camp. Secondary to the north- northeast trending Quilchena and Stump Lake regional faults are numerous smaller faults which form a complex fracture pattern and appear to control alteration and mineralization. Andesitic rocks are bleached, pervasively silicified, pyritic and brecciated. Mineral- ization occurs in numerous quartz, and less commonly calcite veins which strike generally to the north and dip steeply eastward.
The orientation of the Enterprise vein varies from 335 to 015 degrees, with an average dip of 50 degrees eastward. Its width is generally less than 60-centimetres but swells up to 2 metres. Mineralization consists of galena, sphalerite and pyrite, with associated gold and silver values.
Work History
Development of the mineral zones was initiated in 1890 by the Nicola Mining and Milling Company with the sinking of the Joshua (MINFILE 092ISE109), Tubal Cain (MINFILE 092ISE108), and King William (MINFILE 092ISE110) Shafts. During the same time period, the Star Company sank the Star (Enterprise) and Planet (MINFILE 092ISE029) shafts.
The Enterprise inclined shaft was sunk to a depth of 98-metres, along with a 232-metre adit and approximately 1950 metres of underground development on six levels. The 97-metre level was extended over 400 metres to the northwest to intersect the Tubal Cain and Joshua veins. The Tubal Cain vein was developed by 335 metres of drifting. Lateral exploration and development of the three veins was extensive and resulted in a primary source of mill-feed for a mill constructed in 1929.
In 1931, Nicola Mines and Metals Company acquired the property and continued development work and began production from the Enterprise, Joshua, and Tubal Cain veins. In 1937, Nicola Goldfields Limited acquired the property, rebuilt the mill and continued development.
During 1942 through 1974, various companies performed work on the property, including surface work by Stump Lake Mines Limited and Copper Hill Mining and Exploration. In 1974, Juniper Mines Ltd. completed a program of geological mapping on the area.
During 1975 through 1983, various companies controlled the property but no exploration programs have been reported.
In 1984, Celebrity Energy Corp. completed a program of geological mapping, soil sampling and ground magnetic and electromagnetic surveys on the area.
During 1996 through 2001, programs of prospecting, stream sediment sampling, re-sampling of known open-cuts and adits and a 6.1 line-kilometre ground magnetic and electromagnetic (VLF) survey was completed. Extensive prospecting carried on outside the grid area reportedly resulted in the discovery of numerous old workings consisting of trenches, pits, adits, and shafts.
In 2003, a minor Crone Pulse electromagnetic survey was completed on the Planet property.