The Coronation showing comprises two short adits (19 and 5 metres) driven into silicified shear zones near a contact between light-coloured sandstone of the Middle-Lower Jurassic Ashcroft Formation and andesite and andesitic flows of the Upper Triassic Nicola Group. Several opencuts explore a shear zone which strikes 260 degrees and dips 65-75 degrees south. The other shear, parallel to the first, is 38 metres north and strikes between 275 and 290 degrees dipping 55-60 degrees south.
Mineralization consists of pyrite, sparse sphalerite and galena, and lesser chalcopyrite in a gangue of quartz and calcite. Malachite and azurite have also been observed along with limonitic staining. Samples taken across the full width of shearing in the longer adit analysed up to 27.4 grams per tonne silver, 0.7 per cent lead and 1.2 per cent zinc. In the shorter adit, a sample taken from 10 centimetres of quartz mineralized with pyrite, galena and sphalerite analysed 8.9 grams per tonne gold, 24 grams per tonne silver, 0.5 per cent lead and 15.7 per cent zinc (Maconachie, 1938).