The YR showing occurs in dark green andesite tuff and coarse fragmental breccia of the Upper Triassic Nicola Group. Numerous minor shears and calcite-filled fractures are common and andesite dikes cut the fragmental breccia. Several outcrops of fragmental breccia containing pinkish rock fragments cemented with quartz, dolomite and calcite occur and appear to be related to faulting. Malachite and sparse disseminations of chalcopyrite are evident in several of the breccia outcrops. A grab sample from a quartz-calcite filled breccia (K-2 outcrop) with abundant malachite staining assayed 0.02 per cent copper, trace gold and silver and mercury was not detected (Assessment Report 2138).
In 1969, Tupco Mines Ltd. conducted geological mapping and a soil survey (1397 samples).