The Hilltop showings occur in intrusive rocks of the Cherry Creek unit of the Triassic and/or Jurassic Iron Mask batholith. To the west, these intrusive rocks cut Upper Triassic Nicola Group volcanic rocks. Both the intrusive and Nicola Group rocks are unconformably overlain by Eocene sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Kamloops Group. The showings consist of sparse disseminations of chalcopyrite, bornite, chalcocite and pyrite in fine to medium-grained diorites, syenites and monzonites. Minor andesite and syenite dikes cut the intrusive rocks. Malachite and azurite were also observed. Alteration consists commonly of epidote and calcite, local potassium feldspar and local weak albite. Results from a reverse circulation drill program conducted in 1989 indicate the presence of a 45 metre wide mineralized zone (Frederick) grading approximately 0.16 per cent copper, that dips steeply to the north for at least 80 metres. The strike length of this zone could not be traced over significant lengths (Assessment Report 19770). A prominent zone of oxidation and leaching with abundant malachite and minor pyrite is evident along Doherty Creek, 300 metres to the west.
In 1960, Arequipa Mining Co. Ltd. completed geological mapping and two diamond-drill holes totalling 122 metres. In 1968, about 4 kilometres of magnetometer survey was completed. A 3 kilometre induced polarization survey was run over the Hilltop and Sage claims in 1969 by Royal Canadian Ventures Ltd. In 1969, Royal Canadian Ventures Inc. also conducted 8 kilometres of magnetic, VLF-EM and geochemical surveys over the Maxine (092INE032) and Hilltop properties. In 1972, Attila Resources Ltd. completed 800 metres of road construction, 61 metres of trenching, 61 metres of stripping and drilled three holes totalling 427 metres. Also in 1972, Cream Silver Mines Ltd. carried out exploration on the DV claims which covered the Hilltop showing. This work consisted of an induced polarization survey, geological mapping, a magnetometer survey and soil sampling (774 samples). In 1980 and 1983, Pecos Resources Ltd. conducted a soil survey (554 samples), geological mapping and a magnetometer survey over the Lo and Lolo claims which now cover the Hilltop showing. In 1989, Eureka Resources Inc. and Teck Corporation conducted exploration over the Iron Mask property which covered the Maxine (092INE032) and Hilltop showings. The exploration program consisted of geological mapping, ground magnetometer survey (15 kilometres), reverse circulation drilling of 19 holes totalling 1818 metres (744 samples) and a soil survey (1155 samples). In 1991, Eureka Resources Inc. conducted a limited reverse circulation drill program consisting of 374 metres in 6 holes (28 samples), geological mapping and 95 soil samples.