The Park Adit occurrence is located on a tributary of Trout Lake Creek, between Trout Lake and Hicks Lake, at the foot of the north slope of Bear Mountain.
The area is underlain by marine sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Lower Cretaceous Gambier Group. These have been intruded by granodioritic intrusive rocks of Tertiary Jenner Stock.
Locally, a quartzite with quartz veins hosts disseminated to blebby pyrite and pyrrhotite with traces of chalcopyrite. Fractures are altered and coated with limonite and goethite. Samples, taken in 1985, assayed only trace gold and silver.
In 1985, the area was prospected and sampled by Kerr Addison Mines as the Hot 2 claim. No information regarding the adits is known but the area has been historically explored in conjunction with the nearby Harrison Gold (MINFILE 092HSW092) to the southwest.