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File Created: 29-Aug-1985 by Allan Wilcox (AFW)
Last Edit:  07-Sep-2017 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name BEAR II, BEAR, SILVERTIP, ALLISON PASS Mining Division New Westminster
BCGS Map 092H014
Status Developed Prospect NTS Map 092H03E
Latitude 049º 10' 26'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 121º 14' 23'' Northing 5448278
Easting 628299
Commodities Zinc, Lead, Copper, Silver Deposit Types I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Bridge River
Capsule Geology

The Bear II (Silvertip) prospect is located in the southern headwaters of the Sumallo River, 1.5 kilometres northeast of Mount Rideout and 2 kilometres northwest of Silvertip Mountain.

The area is underlain by Permian to Jurassic Hozameen Complex rocks composed mainly of greenstone, chert, pelite and minor limestone. The rocks have undergone regional, low- grade greenschist facies metamorphism and generally contain fine-grained actinolite, epidote and chlorite. Locally, bedding within the Hozameen Complex strikes 315 degrees and dips moderately to the southwest.

Mineralization occurs within the fractured greenstones. Veinlets of pyrrhotite infill fractures with or without tremolite, sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite. Samples from the drilling indicate that coarse crystalline galena, sphalerite and calcite with quartz occurs within the greenstones (Assessment Report 13066).

In 1993, further prospecting was completed and mineralization was reported to occur in three modes: 1) tuff with a few per cent magnetite as disseminations, fracture filling and blebs; minor chalcopyrite and pyrite; 2) layered cherty argillite with pyrrhotite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and minor magnetite along bedding (?) planes. 3) brecciated tuff healed with pyrrhotite, magnetite and minor chalcopyrite.

In the mid 1960’s, results of samples from two drill holes indicated significant mineralization intersected at depth. One 2.4-metre drill length from drill hole 1A yielded 0.5 per cent copper, 1.18 per cent lead, 0.093 per cent zinc and 20.57 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 23026); however, lead and silver values are typically much lower compared to zinc. Another drill hole (2A) yielded 0.28 per cent lead, 0.07 per cent zinc and 0.7 per cent copper over 30.48 metres (Assessment Report 23026). Also at this time, surface showings were reported to have been traced for 183 metres. A surface sample (no. 17) across 4.88 metres was reported to have yielded 3.42 per cent zinc, 0.1 per cent lead and 0.08 per cent copper (Assessment Report 23026).

In 1983, a rock sample (959) assayed 0.52 per cent zinc,; while a quartz- veined float sample (957) assayed 1.94 per cent zinc, 5.0 per cent lead, 0.18 per cent copper, 80.0 grams per tonne silver and 1.1 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 12410). In 1984, a rock sample (AT108) assayed 1.80 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 13066).

In 1993, several samples (48654, 48657, 48658, 48661 and 48663) yielded greater than 2 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 23026). Sample 48660 yielded greater than 2 per cent lead, 1.88 per cent zinc, 0.2 gram per tonne gold and greater than 50 grams per tonne silver, while sample 48655 yielded the highest copper value with 0.09 per cent copper (Assessment Report 23026).

In 2015, a rock sample (J488603) from a massive sulphide vein assayed 0.234 per cent copper (Assessment Report 35589).

Between 1965 and 1966, diamond drilling by Allison Pass Mining resulted in the report of a possible resource of 272,000 tonnes grading 2.5 per cent zinc over a zone 180 metres long, 7.5 metres wide and 90 metres thick (Assessment 13066, excerpts of company prospectus).

Mineralization was apparently discovered in the area in the early 1960s. A diamond drilling program was carried out between 1965 and 1966 by Allison Pass Mining Ltd. Two holes were drilled for a total length of 576 metres. In 1983 and 1984, Suecon Development completed programs of geochemical sampling and prospecting on the area as the Bear 1-4 claims. In 1993, A.E. Angus staked the Silvertip claim and requested the services of W.C. Day to conduct geochemical sampling and prospecting on the property. In 1998, the area was prospected as the Zinc claims. In 2015, a minor program of rock sampling and geological mapping was completed.

EMPR ASS RPT *12410, *13066, *23026, 25629, *35589
EMPR EXPL 1984-178
EMPR OF 1999-2; 1999-14
GSC MAP 12-1969; 737A; 1069A; 41-1989
GSC P 69-47
EMPR PFD 812376, 812372, 812374