The Fairplay occurrence is underlain by Lower and Middle Jurassic Harrison Lake Formation rocks which consists of intermediate, locally felsic flows and pyroclastics. Intrusions of Tertiary quartz diorite are reported in this area also.
In 1897, there was reported to be two lodes on the Fat Man and Nancy Jane property, about 50 metres apart. These were from 1.5 to 5 metres in width and carried gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc. At this time it was considered a copper prospect. A shaft, 14 metres long, and three adits totalling 64 metres had been completed on the property to 1897.
By 1898, the Fairplay and St. Alice claims were situated on the ground formerly occupied by the Fat Man and Nancy Jane claims. In this year, a tunnel 55 metres long and two crosscuts, 12 and 21 metres long respectively, were completed. A total of about 122 metres of underground development had been done on the property up to, and including 1898.
In 1929, on what was now the F.E.W claim, a short tunnel was run from the level of the railway track and a shaft sunk about 6 metres at the end of the tunnel on a small stringer showing a little zinc.