The Hedley Star showing outcrops on Winters Creek, 0.7 to 0.9 kilometre east of the Similkameen River, 6.7 kilometres southeast of Hedley.
The area in the vicinity of Winters Creek is underlain by a sequence of interbedded sediments and volcanics of the Ordovician to Triassic Apex Mountain Complex. This sequence is intruded from the west by granodiorite of the Middle Jurassic Cahill Creek pluton.
Various outcrops of argillite, greenstone and limestone occur along Winters Creek in the vicinity of the showing. A rock sample taken from an outcrop of argillite contained 0.69 gram per tonne gold, 6.0 grams per tonne silver, greater than 1 per cent copper, 0.4470 per cent zinc and greater than 1 per cent arsenic (Assessment Report 14522, Appendix, sample 3762E). A second sample taken on Winters Creek, 150 metres west-northwest of the previous sample assayed 1.1 grams per tonne gold (sample 3753E).