The Hillsbar occurrence is located on the north side Qualark (Hillsbar) Creek, approximately 3.7 kilometres north east of its mouth on the Fraser River.
The Qualark (Hillsbar) Creek area is underlain by metamorphic rocks assigned to the Cretaceous and/or Tertiary Custer Gneiss in fault contact with Permian to Jurassic Hozameen Complex sediments to the east. North of the creek, an irregular mass of granodiorite related to the Eocene Needle Peak Pluton has intruded the gneiss.
The Hillsbar adit is situated near the contact between Hozameen Complex slate and Custer gneiss, just south of the intrusive mass. Seven northwest- striking, steeply dipping, conformable quartz veins were originally discovered in slates exposed over a distance of approximately 34 metres in the creek bed. These veins pinched and swelled from a few to nearly 90 centimetres in width along strike and reportedly contained arsenopyrite with minor pyrite and erratically distributed visible gold.
Three tunnels were driven in an effort to develop the veins. The Crosscut (Hillsbar) tunnel exposed six well- defined veins starting at a point 23 metres from the portal to the face, a further 37 metres.
A sample across the No. 3 vein, the most significant one encountered, reportedly assayed 28.11 grams per tonne gold and 3.29 grams per tonne silver (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1927, page 210). The No. 3 vein, which averaged 91 centimetres in width, was also drifted on for 27 metres in the Upper tunnel. Here, it was said to average $20 to the ton (33.17 grams per tonne gold equivalent).
In 1979, a sample (27627) of the vein assayed 2.40 grams per tonne gold and 1.37 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 7643).
In 1982, a sample (17140) of mineralized quartz vein assayed 3.56 grams per tonne gold over 0.3 metre (Assessment Report 11198).
In 1991, four chip/channel samples, across a 0.2 to 0.5 metre wide and 28.2 metre long quartz vein exposed in the main adit, yielded an average grade of 6.85 grams per tonne gold over a 0.5 metre width (Assessment Report 22345).
In 1921, the occurrence was first discovered and a 9 metre adit was completed at this time. In 1927, underground workings of three adits were reported, with the largest extending for 59.1 metres. In 1975, Carolin Mines completed a program of geochemical sampling, test pitting and geological mapping. In1979, a program of prospecting, geological mapping and a 2.7 line- kilometre ground magnetic survey was completed on the area as the Rachel claims. In 1982, Mix Resources completed a program of prospecting and soil sampling on the area as the Seka 1-2 claims. In 1990 through 1993, programs of geochemical sampling, geological mapping, a 2.8 line-kilometre ground magnetic survey and a 0.8 line-kilometre ground electromagnetic survey were completed on the area as the Al 1 claim. During 1996 through 1998, Hillsbar Gold completed a program of geological mapping and rock, silt and soil sampling on the area.