The Ward mine is located on the eastern side of Siwash Creek, approximately 4 kilometres east of its mouth on the Fraser River.
The Siwash Creek area is underlain by Early and Middle Jurassic Ladner Group argillite, siltstone and greywacke and Permian to Jurassic Hozameen Complex chert in contact along the Hozameen fault, a major, steeply dipping, north-northwest –trending fracture system extending from northern Washington State to the Fraser River. Most of the mineral occurrences in the area lie east of but generally close to this fault, which encloses metaplutonic rocks of the Coquihalla serpentine belt between Mount Dewdney and Siwash Creek. The Ladner Group and, to a lesser extent, Hozameen Complex rocks are cut by a variety of small intrusive bodies ranging in composition from gabbro through granodiorite to syenite.
Geology in the area of the Ward occurrence is characterized by poorly to moderately bedded, dark coloured, pyritic, slaty argillite locally intercalated with thin beds of greywacke and siltstone, all assigned to the Ladner Group. These rocks have been intruded by locally altered, light coloured, felsic sills and dikes.
Gold is spatially associated with feldspar porphyry sills, also described as "quartz-syenite porphyries". Many of these sills have irregular chilled margins, and narrow aureoles of weak thermal alteration are developed in the host argillite. Elsewhere, the sills are fault bound and their contacts marked by rust-stained quartz veins up to 60 centimetres wide. Many sills are also cut by irregular quartz stringers, quartz-filled tension gashes or intersecting sets of quartz veins up to 5 centimetres wide. These veins contain small vugs lined with quartz crystals and sparse disseminated pyrite. Fine gold reportedly occurs both in the quartz and the intrusions and is generally coated with a film of iron oxide.
Production from the Ward mine totalled 4.2 kilograms of gold from an unknown quantity of ore (Bulletin 79, page 41). Development is said to have consisted of an open cut and three adits, one of which was driven for approximately 90 metres.
In 1980, Aquarius Resources prospected and soil sampled the area. In 2008, Module Resources prospected the area. In 2012, New Carolin Gold completed airborne magnetic and radiometric surveys, totalling 759 line-kilometres, on the area.