The Emigrant occurrence is located on the western side of the south branch of Siwash Creek, approximately 4.4 kilometres east-southeast of its creek mouth on the Fraser River.
The area near the confluence of the north, middle and south forks of Siwash Creek is characterized by poorly to moderately- bedded, dark- coloured, pyritic, slatey argillite locally intercalated with thin beds of greywacke and siltstone, all assigned to the Ladner Group. These rocks have been intruded by locally altered, light- coloured, felsic sills and dikes. Quartz veining with associated gold values occurs within these intrusions and the surrounding sediments. Refer to the Roddick occurrence (MINFILE 092HNW004) for further regional details.
Development within the Emigrant group of claims reportedly consisted of three tunnels driven on the west side of the south fork of Siwash Creek.
The No. 1 adit was driven in a northwest direction and intersected a 35-centimetre wide quartz vein, 21 metres from the portal.
The No. 2 adit, driven parallel to and 27 metres below the No. 1, intersected the footwall of the same vein at a distance of 125 metres from the portal, but encountered problems due to flooding.
The No. 3 adit, established to drain the No. 2 adit, was driven west from the portal of the latter and intersected the vein at a distance of 131 metres. A crosscut driven from a 4.26-metre raise, just back from the face of the No. 2 adit, subsequently exposed a 6-metre section of northwest- dipping veining intercalated with slate. A later account describes this vein as conforming with the attitude of the enclosing slate, which here strikes northwest and dips moderately to the southwest (O'Grady, 1937 - Property File).
Assays from five samples taken across various intervals of the veining/slate exposed in the crosscut ranged from 2.7 to 16.4 grams per tonne gold (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1917, page F227).
A fourth adit, located approximately 125 metres north of the No. 2/3 portal, reportedly encountered dikes and irregular stringers of quartz at several points. Although pyrite was noted in association with inclusions of argillite in the stringers, assays from samples were generally low.
In 1980, Aquarius Resources prospected and soil sampled the area. In 2008, Module Resources prospected the area.