The Pip occurrence occurs on both sides of Summers Creek, lying mostly west of the creek, approximately 20 kilometres north of Princeton.
The area along Summers Creek is underlain by the Eastern volcanic facies of the Upper Triassic Nicola Group, comprising mafic, augite and hornblende porphyritic pyroclastics and flows, and associated alkaline intrusions. These rocks are intruded by granodiorite and quartz diorite of the middle and Late Cretaceous Summers Creek pluton.
The occurrence is hosted in well-bedded andesite tuffs, with interbedded siltstones, and minor dacite tuffs of the Nicola Group. These rocks exhibit potassic, propylitic and sericitic alteration. Secondary minerals include orthoclase, sericite, chlorite and epidote.
Mineralization consists of pyrite and lesser chalcopyrite, as disseminations and as fracture coatings. This mineralization outcrops along the west bank of Summers Creek over a distance of approximately 1.2 kilometres.
Later work (circa 2012) refers to the area as the 1516 zone, which comprises pyrite, chalcopyrite, malachite and trace bornite-covellite in pyritic and gossanous volcanics.
In 1991, percussion drilling in this area and immediately east of the creek yielded copper values of up to 0.185 per cent over 3.05 metres (42.67 to 45.72 metres down hole) in hole A-4 (Assessment Report 21630, Appendix B, page 2).
In 2018, a grab sample (051441M) of propylitic-altered diorite with quartz veining and chalcopyrite, pyrite and copper oxides assayed 1.61 per cent copper, 46.5 grams per tonne silver and 0.618 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 38199).
Work History
Amax Potash Ltd. and Iso Explorations Ltd. completed geological, geophysical and soil geochemical surveys over the prospect in 1971 and 1972. Iso Explorations also conducted 1047 metres of percussion drilling in 20 holes in 1972.
In 1981 and 1982, Cominco Ltd. completed programs of geological mapping, geochemical (rock and soil) sampling and ground geophysical surveys on the area as the Pip claims of the Axe property. The company drilled 2 diamond drill holes, totalling 232 metres, in 1982 and 11 percussion holes, totalling 375 metres, in 1991, of which only 4 reached bedrock.
In 1998, Causway Mining Corp. completed a program of rock sampling and an 8.0 line-kilometre induced polarization survey on the area as the Axe and Adam claims of the Summers Creek property.
During 2003 through 2010, the occurrence area was held by Bearclaw Capital Corp. and Westar Resources Corp. as part of the Axe property.
In 2012, Xstrata Canada Corp. optioned the Axe property and completed a program of prospecting, soil sampling, a 35.0 line-kilometre induced polarization survey and a 954.0 line-kilometre airborne magnetic and radiometric survey.
In 2018, Evrim Exploration Canada Corp. completed a program of rock sampling, geological mapping, 41 rotary drill holes, totalling 695.3 metres, and 4 diamond drill holes, totalling 2113.6 metres, on the Axe property.