The Golden Rod occurrence area is underlain by pillow basalt breccias of the Upper Triassic Karmutsen Formation (Vancouver Group) cut by a number of pyritic fault zones. Small microdiorite dykes are emplaced along these zones.
Mineralization at the Golden Rod showing comprises a 0.1 to 0.4 metre wide massive pyrite zone along the contacts of a microdiorite dyke that is up to 3 metres wide. Minor and variable pyrite is also present within the dyke. Isolated specks of native gold occur on the walls of the fault zone which is commonly pervasively chlorite- carbonate altered. A quartz-calcite stringer zone was also observed within the basalt breccia hosted in a shear zone.
Diamond drilling has revealed that the microdiorite dyke does not always occur on the footwall of the fault zone and that the massive pyrite zone becomes disseminated at depth. A narrow limestone bed was also intersected with minor garnet skarn developed along the contacts with the dyke. Quartz-calcite veinlets were found to carry local chalcopyrite at depth.
A sample of a strongly sheared, pyritic quartz-calcite vein assayed 6.28 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 18672).