The Florence-Security occurrence area lies close to the faulted and unconformable contact between Upper Triassic Quatsino Formation limestone and underlying Karmutsen Formation amygdaloidal basalt, both of the Vancouver Group. Small mafic, amphibole-porphyritic diorite sills and stocks, that are locally apatite-rich and epidotized, intrude this sequence. The limestones and diorite are intensely altered near their contacts. Alteration mineralogy is comprised of an assemblage of garnet, diopside, epidote and magnetite. Silicification, quartz veining and associated pyrite is also locally developed within the diorite. Prominent faults strike between 115 to 150 degrees. Magnetite with pyrite, malachite and limonite boxworks are evident along minor splays subparallel to the major faults.
Skarn mineralization, which is locally massive, is commonly developed in basal gritty limestones and consists primarily of magnetite with some chalcopyrite, pyrite and chalcocite in a garnet-pyroxene gangue. A rock chip sample across 1.2 metres of skarn mineralization assayed 1.59 per cent copper, 23.72 grams per tonne gold, 29.3 grams per tonne silver and 0.031 per cent cobalt (Assessment Report 16749).
Past development includes trenches and shafts. The property is held by Consolidated Van Anda Gold Ltd.