The Tahsis Inlet quarry is located on the west side of the Tahsis River, approximately 3.5 kilometres north of Tahsis.
A band of limestone of the Upper Triassic Quatsino Formation, up to 1.5 kilometres wide, extends north-northwest from the head of Tahsis Inlet for 10 kilometres. The limestone dips west, with underlying basaltic flows of the Upper Triassic Karmutsen Formation outcropping to the east, and overlying argillite of the Upper Triassic Parsons Bay Formation outcropping to the west.
The limestone was examined in detail at a certain point within the band for marble by Gore and McGregor around 1916. A 23-metre deep borehole encountered dark grey marble with white bands and dark greyish green, fine grained basalt. Outcrops in the vicinity displayed white to grey, fine to coarse grained limestone (marble) that became dolomitic in places. One sample of limestone contained large quantities of whitish, feathery actinolite or tremolite.
Matrix Marble & Stone operate this quarry. See also Hisnet Inlet (092E 020). In 2007, Grande Portage Resources completed a regional geochemical program on the area as the Cherry Property. In 2011, Gold Ridge Exploration completed a regional geochemical sampling program on the Tahsis Property.