The Alfreda occurrence is located east of the Gordon River, south of its junction with Braden Creek.
The oldest rocks in the area are the Paleozoic Wark Diorite /gneiss and Colquitz Gneiss complexes. Overlying those is the Triassic Vancouver Group, comprised from bottom to top, the Karmutsen, Quatsino and Parson Bay formations. The Karmutsen Formation comprises Basaltic pillow lava, billow breccia and flows with minor interbedded limestone. The Quatsino Formation comprises a thick succession of massive to bedded limestone. The Parson Bay Formation is comprised of interbedded calcareous sediments and limestone. Intruded through these rocks are intermediate to acidic plutons and dykes of the Jurassic Island Intrusions.
Locally, a 7.6 metre wide shear zone, striking 130 degrees in diorite, contains quartz lenses mineralized with disseminated grains of pyrite and magnetite, which have been locally altered to limonite. The sheared diorite has the appearance of a chlorite or amphibole schist. Associated with the quartz is a very little feldspar and sericite. The quartz is reported to have assayed 3.34 grams per tonne gold and 171.43 grams per tonne silver (Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 13, page 157).
In 1980, a program of prospecting and rock and soil sampling was completed on the area as the Shadow group. This work identified, skarn deposits in re-crystallized limestone containing magnetite, pyrite and sparse chalcopyrite mineralization (Assessment Report 8943).