The area is underlain by a Lower Cambrian part of the Eagle Bay Formation rocks consisting of greenstone schists, phyllites and quartz schists. A mafic felsic volcanic contact trends north eastward across the area and is truncated to the east by a north- south fault. Rocks east of the fault consist of mixed greenstones, phyllites and limestone. The rocks are cut by north-south trending quartz-feldspar porphyry dykes and plugs.
Lenses and disseminations of pyrite with traces of chalco- pyrite, and minor stringers and fracture fillings of sphalerite occur in felsic volcanics. A 3.0 centimetre sample assayed 6.5 per cent zinc, 0.05 per cent lead, 0.05 per cent copper and 14.8 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 14277).