The property is underlain by Devonian to Mississippian age rocks of the Eagle Bay Formation. The rocks consist of phyllites and schists (EBA) derived from felsic to intermediate volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks. The strata strikes 070 to 110 degrees and dips 25 to 45 degrees north.
The Joe showings, 3 kilometres south of Beca (082M 055), occur within a thick horizon of greenish grey chlorite-sericite-quartz phyllite containing conspicuous "eyes" of quartz. Locally, thin horizons of dark green chloritic schist, dark grey phyllite and argillite occur.
Two mineralized zones, 250 metres apart, consist of thin conformable lenses of rusty siliceous pyritic rock. The southern showing is a 0.7 metre wide band of massive pyrite with sulphide mineralization. The northern showing consists of heavily disseminated pyrrhotite with lesser disseminations and streaks of chalcopyrite. A grab sample assayed 0.14 gram per tonne gold, 16.5 grams per tonne silver, 1.7 per cent copper, 0.18 per cent zinc and 0.04 per cent lead.