The Bay 7 (A zone) occurrence is located at an elevation of approximately 1340 metres on a south-southeast–facing slope overlooking Adams Lake, approximately 3.2 kilometres west of the mouth of Samatosum Creek.
Regionally, the area is underlain by limestone, marble, calcareous sedimentary rocks and greenschist metamorphic rocks of the Lower Cambrian Eagle Bay Assemblage. Bedding strikes approximately 130 degrees and dips 20 to 30 degrees northeast.
Locally, at the A zone, a gossanous and limonite-stained sericite-chlorite schist, mafic tuff and lapilli tuff host quartz veins and lenses and disseminated pyrite . This area is associated with a bleached, sericitized, pyritized and barium-enriched alteration zone, at least 200 metres wide and 900 metres long.
In 1969, two samples (35491 and 35492), located approximately 250 to 300 metres to the north on the Star 6-8 claims (later Twin 1 claim) and related to exploration of the southeast strike extension of the Twin Mountain (MINFILE 082M 020) occurrence, yielded 0.34 grams per tonne and trace gold, 20.5 and 6.2 grams per tonne silver, 0.21 and 0.02 per cent copper and 4.64 and 2.29 per cent lead with 1.54 and 1.39 per cent zinc, respectively (Assessment Report 2093).
In 1981, three samples from the Twin 1 trenches to the north yielded values from trace to 0.46 per cent copper, 1.57 to 14.00 per cent lead, 1.64 to 3.47 per cent zinc, 14.4 to 61.6 grams per tonne silver and 0.10 to 0.82 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 9882).
In 1987, surface samples from the A zone are reported to have yielded up to 5.4 per cent barium (Assessment Report 19187).
In 1988, four grab samples from the A zone yielded greater than 1.70 per cent barium (Property File - Beekmann, J. [1988-07-10]: 1988 Mapping and Trenching Report Bay Property). Also at this time, a sample (5R-5) from the A zone area assayed 0.086 per cent lead, 0.134 per cent zinc and 0.17 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 18230).
In 1989, a drillhole (BA89-9) on the A zone yielded values of up to 0.116 per cent zinc, 0.111 per cent lead, 9.3 grams per tonne silver and greater than 2 per cent barium over 1.0 metre (Assessment Report 19187).
In 2017, a sample (BCACR018) of ferricrete subcrop (?), located approximately 250 metres to the south, yielded 0.354 gram per tonne gold and 0.098 per cent copper (Assessment Report 37434).
Work History
The area has been historically explored since the 1930s in conjunction with the nearby Twin Mountain (MINFILE 082M 020) occurrence and property of the same name.
In 1966, Sinmax Mines Ltd. optioned the property and conduced a program of soil sampling, geophysical surveys, underground mapping and sampling. In 1969, a program of trenching was completed along the strike of the mineralized vein system.
In 1977 and 1978, Cominco completed programs of geological mapping, geochemical (rock and soil) sampling and a 7.6 line-kilometre induced polarization survey on the area as the Bay claims.
The Twin claims were staked in 1980 and in 1981, Apex Energy completed a program of geological mapping, soil sampling and trenching. In 1983 and 1984, Lincoln Resources Incorporated entered into an option agreement with Apex Energy Corp to work on the Twin property. Program of soil sampling and ground magnetic and electromagnetic surveys were completed. In 1986, a program of geological mapping, rock and soil sampling, trenching, and a ground electromagnetic survey were completed on the Twin 1-3 claims.
Also during 1982 through 1984, Westmin Resources Ltd. completed ground magnetic, electromagnetic and induced polarization surveys and two diamond drill holes, totalling 102.9 metres, on the Bay claims.
In 1987, Kidd Creek Mines Ltd. completed a program of soil sampling, geological mapping, and a 70.0 line-kilometre combined ground electromagnetic and magnetic survey on the Bay claims. The following year, 15 trenches, totalling 3480 metres, were completed on the Bay claims.
In 1989, Falconbridge Ltd. completed nine diamond drill holes, totalling 1333.4 metres, on the Bay 7 claim.
Also during 1983 through 1988, Omni Resources Inc. completed programs of rock and soil sampling, geological mapping and ground and airborne electromagnetic surveys on the area as the Chris 1-2 and Chris 1 Fr. claims.
In 1999, Eagle Plains Resources staked the Acacia property on the area. The following year, a program of rock, silt and soil sampling was completed. In 2005, Amarc Resources Ltd. completed a program of geological mapping and lithogeochemical sampling on the area as the Sin 1-12 claims of the Max property.
During 2007 through 2012, Eagle Plains Resources Ltd. completed programs of prospecting, geological mapping and geochemical (rock, silt, and soil) sampling and 738 line-kilometres of magnetic and radiometric surveys on the area as part of the Acacia property. In 2017, a further program of rock and soil sampling was completed on the property.